Chapter 15

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*Bailey's POV*

I was confused of what was going on. Some of the Resistance workers were scattering around, running around, as if they were preparing something. Me, Kylo, Leia, Poe, Finn, BB-8, and C3PO, were standing in a group form. "I don't get it. What's going on?" I asked. "We found the missing piece of the map to locate Luke Skywalker." Poe explained to me. "What's the Millennium Falcon?" I asked again. "It's a starship that belonged to my father. He was known as the famous smuggler in the galaxy. I forgot to mention that to you, Bailey." Kylo explained. "That's interesting." I commented. "I just hope Rey is okay." Finn said.

"I just hope they found Luke." Leia said. Kylo put a comforting hand on Leia's shoulder and said, "I hope so too, mother." Leia looked at Kylo, smiling, and she put her hand on his and stroked it. Then, Kylo looked at me, smiling, and he wrapped his other arm around my shoulder. I smiled back at him.

We all looked up at the sky and saw a ship, slowly, landing on the base. As the ship landed, everyone started crowding around, while me and the others moved closer to the ship from everyone else. "That's one piece of junk ship." I commented. Kylo and Leia chuckled. The door under the ship opened. Moments later, three figures appeared. One was a seven-feet tall furry creature, a silver and blue droid, and a human girl. Everyone from behind started crowding around even closer.

"Rey!" Finn exclaimed, as he ran up to the girl. "Finn! You're alright!" The girl, who goes by the name 'Rey', said, as she and Finn embraced each other. Rey. That's right. Rey was the woman who fought with Kylo in the forest from what I saw in the visions. They, then, pulled away from each other as Leia walked up to Rey. "It's good to have you back, Rey. Thank goodness you all came back safely. But where's Luke?" Leia asked. Rey took a moment to think until she spoke, "He—" She started to say, but, then, she saw Kylo.

She had a shocked expression on her face. She, then, held up some kind of staff weapon in defense. The furry creature growled and he held up a Blaster-like weapon towards Kylo. "Why is he here?" Rey asked. The furry creature growled again. "Wait, Rey and Chewie. Kylo--Ben isn't here to harm us." Leia said, as she waved her hand down, to signal them to put their weapons down. They did, but they were confused. "What are you talking about?" Rey asked.

Leia turned to face me and Kylo. We looked at each other and we held our hands as we walked towards them. Rey, briefly, looked at me, then, she looked at Kylo, glaring a little. "Rey, I have come here to ask for forgiveness. I have matured my ways. Something inside me changed as if it was the Light Side pulling me towards it. It was because of this girl, right here, who I originally abducted from her home planet, Earth, to train and become part of the Dark Side because she's Force-Sensitive, just like you, Rey." Kylo said, as he gestured to me.

Then, he continued, "I've decided to leave the First Order and I have come here to ask for forgiveness. So far, everyone, including my mother, Leia, have forgiven me. Now I ask for you and Chewie for forgiveness."

There was a long pause for a few seconds until the furry creature, who goes by the name 'Chewie', growled and Rey spoke, "Why should we? After all you have done, including what you did to Han Solo?" Rey asked. Kylo looked down, feeling defeated. I put my other hand on his shoulder, comforting him. He looked up at me and I nodded at him. Kylo, then, lifted his head up and he patted my hand with his other hand. I, then, put my hand down as he turned to face Rey.

"I know what you mean and I understand. Trust me, I've been feeling guilty myself of what I did in the past. Killing innocent people, capturing you, and...and you, Finn, and Chewie witnessing me killing Han in cold blood." Kylo said and he looked at Chewie. "I know you were really good friends with my father as I remembered, Chewie. I understand how hurt you are. Seeing your friend killed in front of you probably want to kill me for doing that. But believe me, it hurts me, deeply, for doing that." Chewie looked down. There was a short pause for a few seconds until Kylo spoke, again, "I understand what you both are thinking. If you both don't want to forgive me, that's fine, I understand. But I want to let you both know that I am sorry for what I did in the past and all I want right now is your forgiveness."

There was a long pause for a minute until Chewie growled, yet it seemed like he was talking. "He said, 'It's really hard to forgive you, but...I'll give you a second chance since you're Han's son.'" Rey translated. Kylo, then, let out a sigh of relief. "As for me, Kylo Ren..." Rey began to say, but she took a deep breath first. Then, she continued, "It might be hard to get adjusted to after what happened to Han Solo and all the other things that you did in the past, but I'm gonna forgive you too, Kylo." I, quietly, let out a sigh of relief. Kylo did as well.

Rey, then, put her staff down on the ground and she held out her hand towards Kylo. Then, Kylo released my hand and he shook Rey's hand. He released it before holding his hand out towards Chewie. He put his Blaster-like weapon down on the ground and he shook Kylo's hand, while growling, in a nice way, and, then, released it.

Kylo, then, cleared his throat and said, "Rey, Chewie, I would like you both to meet, Bailey, the girl who changed me. Bailey, this is Chewbacca, well 'Chewie' for short, he's my father's very good friend." Kylo introduced me. I, slightly, bowed to Chewie and said, "It's very nice to meet you, Chewie." He growled, nicely. I chuckled. "And this is Rey, the scavenger I've told you about." Kylo introduced me to Rey. I held my hand out towards Rey and she shook my hand. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Rey." I said. "It's an honor to meet you too, Bailey." Rey said. "It's quite interesting that your name is the same as my middle name." I said, chuckling. "It is?" Rey asked. I nodded. She, then, chuckled. "That's amazing, Bailey." "Thank you."

Then, I noticed the silver and blue droid rolling towards us, beeping. "Oh, I'm sorry. Bailey, this is R2-D2." Kylo said. I looked at R2-D2 and I, gently, patted him on the head as he was beeping and I nodded. "Nice to meet you too, R2-D2." I said, while chuckling.

Then, Leia stepped in. "I'm so glad that both of you have forgiven Ben. Everyone has earned your trust, Ben." Leia said. "I'm glad, mother." Kylo said. "But where's Luke, Rey?" Leia asked. "Luke. He...he refused to come with us." Rey said, looking down. Everyone gasped in shock. Kylo and I were shocked as well. But Leia was both shocked and heartbroken to hear that. "What do you mean 'he refused'?" Leia asked.

Rey took a deep breath and she began to say, "When I found him and told him that the Resistance needed him, he refused to come with us because he was guilty for what happened in the past with Kylo and he felt responsible for the deaths of the Jedi trainees after Kylo slaughtered them." I saw Kylo looking down, with guilt, as he knew what Rey was talking about. "We tried to convince him to come back with us. He finally gave in after a long process of thinking and deciding." Rey said.

Kylo looked up, surprised. Even me, Leia, and everyone else were surprised as well. Luke was actually about to come back to the Resistance Base after he disappeared. "Then, why did he not come back with you three?" Leia asked. "Just as we were about to board the Millennium Falcon, Luke changed his mind and he, once again, refused to go with us. I asked him 'why?'. He wouldn't explain it clearly, but he told me that he saw a vision within the Force." Rey explained. "Did he say what he saw in the vision?" Leia asked. "He wouldn't explain what he saw in the vision, but he did say, 'You won't need me now, but when the time comes, I'll be ready.' And just like that, he told us to go back to the Resistance Base without him." Rey said.

"Oh, Luke." Leia said, sounding disappointed. In fact, everyone around us were disappointed to hear that, even me and Kylo. We were confused and also curious to know what Luke saw in his vision that made him change his mind. "If I was there, I would've grabbed him by the ear and dragged him across the galaxy and bring him here." Leia said, sarcastically. I snickered, quietly. "I'm sorry we couldn't bring Luke back. We didn't expect it to happen." Rey apologized. "It's alright. It's nobody's fault. At least we know that he's okay and he'll be back some day." Leia said.

There was a long pause for a minute. Some of the Resistance workers were leaving to go back to do their jobs. It was just me, Kylo, Leia, Rey, and the others, standing by ourselves. Then, Leia spoke, "Well, what do you say we all eat something? After all, Ben, Bailey, Rey, and Chewie just got back from a long journey through outer space. Plus, why don't we all get to know Bailey a lot more?" We all nodded in agreement and we all headed to the main Resistance's underground base entrance.

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