Chapter 28

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*Bailey's POV* 

Talk about agility because those three wardrobe specialist droids made the dresses and what ever outfits Ben, Finn, and Poe were wearing for the wedding all in two days. That's amazing. We were really excited. But we didn't want to see them until the next day, which happens to be the wedding day, because we wanted to be surprised. After the dresses and the uniforms were made, a few people of the Alliance had volunteered to help decorate part of the forest with handmade lanterns of where Ben and I were getting married. We even decided to get married when the sunsets. Makes it look like a romantic setting, like I've seen in movies back on Earth.


The next day, it was me and Ben's wedding day. Ben and I had separate changing tents because it's a tradition where the bride and groom don't see each other until the ceremony. So, I didn't know what Ben, Finn, or Poe were wearing, but I couldn't wait to see them. I saw my wedding dress for the first time; it looked so beautiful. I requested that my wedding dress would look exactly like the black dress that Ben had given to me when we danced together, except in traditional white, to surprise Ben. I also had shiny, silver one-inch strap-on heels as well. My sisters' maid of honor dresses were off the shoulder sleeve, knee-length, royal blue dresses. Rey's bridesmaid dress was the same dress type, except it was in a sky blue color. My mom and Leia wore different dresses, but the dresses were both in a navy blue color. My nieces' dresses were white with a baby blue ribbon around the middle of their dresses.

We had droids doing our hair and makeup. My sisters, Rey, and my mom's hair was curled, Leia went with her traditional braided hairstyle, and my hair was wavy with a braid on each side of my head. Once the droids were done fixing my hair and makeup, Rey and my sisters helped me put on my dress.

Once my dress was on, I turned around to face my mom, Leia, and my nieces. They looked at me in amazement. My mom started to tear up. Luckily, a droid pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed it under my mom's eyes before the tears could ruin her makeup. "Oh, Bailey. It seems like only yesterday, I was holding you in my arms the moment you were born. Now you're all grown up and you're getting married. I love you so much, Bailey." My mom said and I hugged her. She returned the hug. "I love you too, mom." I said and we pulled away from our hug. "Here. Don't forget your necklace." My mom said, as she put my tiny silver heart necklace around my neck. "Thank you, mom."

Then, I hugged my sisters and Rey in a group hug. "You look absolutely beautiful, Bailey." Rey said. "Thank you, Rey. And you three look stunning as well." I said. "Thank you." All three of them said at the same time. "I can't believe that my baby sister is getting married." Alexis said. "Why did you have to grow up so quickly?" Jourdan said. I chuckled. "Well, just think, Jourdan, now you're going to be the last one in the family to get married." I said. Jourdan looked annoyed. "Don't even remind me." Jourdan said. We all laughed. Then, we pulled away from our group hug and I kneeled down and I hugged my nieces.

Then, I stood up. "I have something for you, Bailey. Something old, something new for my daughter-in-law." Leia said, as she held a small box out in front of me and opened it, revealing a small silver tiara. I gasped in awe. "It was mine when I was crowned Princess of Alderaan. I've only worn it once. It's yours now, Bailey." Leia said. "Thank you so much, Leia. It's beautiful." I said and she took it out of the box and she, gently, placed it on my head. Then, I gave Leia a hug.

"Hey, are you ladies ready?" We heard Poe's voice from outside of the changing tent curtain entrance. My sisters, Rey, and I giggled a bit. "Yes." We all said, at the same time, then, we all stepped out of the changing tent. We saw Finn, Poe, Chewie, my dad, and BB-8 standing outside waiting for us. Ben was nowhere around. The sky was orangish-pink as the sun was setting out in the sky. It looked so beautiful and breath-taking. Finn and Poe were wearing white V-neck long sleeve shirts tucked into black pants and black boots, just like Ben wore that one time. They looked amazing in their outfits. Chewie didn't wear an outfit. My dad wore a white button-up long sleeve shirt with black pants and a black formal jacket.

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