Chapter 11

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*Bailey's POV*

As we pulled away from our kiss, Kylo held my hand and we walked over to the window where there was a black bench next to it. I adjusted the train on my dress as we sat down. After we sat down for about a minute, Kylo held both of my hands and we stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds while we smiled until Kylo spoke, "Bailey...are you happy here, with me?" "Of course I am, Kylo." I said and Kylo smiled even more.

But then, my smiled faded and I looked at the night sky through the window. Kylo noticed and his smile faded as well. "What is it?" He asked, sounding worried. I turned my head and I looked down, slightly, and said, "If only I could see my family again, just for a moment. I miss them so much." I said, as my eyes were beginning to feel watery. I glanced at Kylo and he looked down, with sympathy in his eyes.

There was a long pause for a minute until Kylo spoke, "Bailey...there's something that I want to tell you." I looked up at Kylo. "What is it?" "I...I've been thinking about this for the last couple of days and I wanted to tell you what I've decided." He said. "What did you decide, Kylo?" I asked. He looked all around the arena room, as if he was checking to make sure no one wasn't around, which there wasn't, and, then, he turned back to me, taking a deep breath, and said, "Bailey, I'm leaving the First Order." My eyes widened and I gasped. I was not expecting Kylo to say that. "What?" I said, in shock. "I'm leaving the First Order so I could live a normal life. On Earth. With you." He said. I was still in complete shock. "Why did you decide this?" I asked.

Kylo took a deep breath and he began explaining. "Because I've been feeling torn apart for so long ever since I've joined the Dark Side. I thought joining the Dark Side would make me stronger and I would finish what my grandfather had started, but it only made me feel terrible. I was a monster that everyone in the galaxy feared when they see me. I killed so many innocent people, including my own father, and I thought it would make me feel proud, to prove that I could resist the Light Side within me, and impress Supreme Leader Snoke, but it made me feel guilty inside.

"Even though I felt betrayed by my own family for not telling me the truth about my grandfather, I've felt torn apart all these years ever since I've met Snoke. I'm sick and tired of his demands and him telling me how my progress is coming along, in a bad way. I think my father was right. Snoke is probably using me for my power and he'll destroy me once he gets what he wants.

"Yet, for so long, Snoke has always told me that love is a weakness and I'd always listened to him." Kylo took a deep breath and he continued, "Then, that warm sensation within me had triggered me. It was something that I have never felt before when I brought you here, Bailey. It was something that changed me. I thought I could fight it and listen to what Snoke has always told me, but I couldn't. It was at that moment when I realized that I had fallen in love with you, Bailey."

"But why did I still do my training when you decided this?" I asked. "That's another thing I wanted to tell you about, Bailey. Originally, Snoke wanted me to bring you to him when your training was completed and he would try to convince you to join the Dark Side. But after we confessed our love to each other, I realized that I couldn't take you to see Snoke. He's unpredictable, Bailey. Even if your training was completed, he could either kill you or turn you into a different person that I wouldn't want you to be. Even you probably wouldn't approve of it. But the main reason why I continued your training these last few days was because it was a way for me to get to know you more and spend more time with you, Bailey." He explained. I blushed and smiled when he said that. "Really?" He nodded.

"I have made up my mind and I've decided to leave the First Order and spend the rest of my normal life on Earth with you, Bailey. Live together. Be part of your family. Get married. Start a family of our own. All of that." Kylo said, as he stood up and he kneeled down on one knee in front of me, holding both of my hands.

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