Chapter 16

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*Bailey's POV*

Kylo, Leia, Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie, and I were all sitting around a black round conference table while C3PO, R2-D2, and BB-8 were standing away from the table, listening to the conversation. I was sitting between Kylo and Rey. We were eating homemade chili and everyone was getting to know me more and I was getting to know everyone else as well. I told everyone all about me, my family, about my home planet, Earth, my interests and hobbies, and I told everyone what happened before Kylo abducted me.

Kylo even told his side of the story of why he was on Earth in the first place, which I'd never even gotten the chance to ask Kylo about that. The reason why Kylo and the other Stormtroopers were on Earth was because Kylo was exploring different planets throughout the whole galaxy to search for someone who's Force-Sensitive and turn them to the Dark Side. He was sensing someone who happened to be Force-Sensitive on Earth. That someone was me, of course.

Kylo and I told everyone everything that's happened ever since Kylo abducted me. Training me, the visions, the Wampa attack, Kylo and I confessing our love to each other, teaching Kylo to slow dance, having a real dance to ourselves, and Kylo's decision about leaving the First Order. "That's amazing, Kylo." Rey said. "You're very brave, Bailey, for saving Kylo from that Wampa." Poe said. "Absolutely amazing." Finn said. "Thank you, Poe, and thank you, Finn." Isaid.

"By the way, Ben, I noticed that Bailey is wearing the ring Han gave you years ago on her right ring finger." Leia said. "Oh, yes, mother. We forgot to mention this to you guys. I...uh...I gave Bailey my ring for a reason." Kylo said. "And what is it, Ben?" Leia asked, while, slightly, leaning forward. "Well, for the last few days, Bailey and I were getting to know each other a lot, so yesterday, after we danced together and after I told her that I'm leaving the First Order, I...uh...well...I..." Kylo started to say, but I could tell that he was too shy to say it, so I held his hand and I decided to tell everyone.

"What Kylo is trying to say is that he asked for my hand in marriage. The ring is on my right ring finger because first of all, we didn't want the First Order to know about us. Secondly, we made a promise to each other that once we get back to Earth, Kylo will place the ring on my left finger and, then, we'll be married. So, basically, in other words, we're engaged." I explained, while smiling.

Everyone gasped, excitingly, to hear the news. But with Leia, she exclaimed, excitingly, as she got up from her seat and she hugged both me and Kylo. "Oh, Ben. I'm so glad you changed your ways and you found the love of your life. I'm so happy for you both." Leia said, excitingly.

"We're gonna get married as soon as we get back to Earth." Kylo said. "Well, actually, Kylo, we'll get married as soon as we get my parents' approval." I said. "Why's that, Bailey?" Kylo asked. "Well, for one thing, my parents don't know you yet, especially since you're the one who, you know, abducted me." I explained. "Oh, that's true and you're right, Bailey. I don't know how your parents are gonna react when they meet me and how they'll approve our engagement after all I did." Kylo said. "I wouldn't worry about it right now, Kylo. We'll think of something and we'll explain it to them about us." I said. "Good idea, Bailey." Kylo said.

Moments later, we all got up from our seats and everyone hugged me and Kylo and congratulated us. "Are we invited?" Leia asked and she chuckled. Kylo also chuckled and said, "Mother, we wouldn't want you or anyone to miss it." "After all, you're gonna be my soon-to-be mother-in-law." I said. Then, Leia hugged me. "And I'm excited to call you my daughter-in-law." She said, and, then, we pulled away from our hug.

"I'm gonna have my sisters be my maids of honor and my little nieces as my flower girls." I said. But, then, Kylo looked down. "What's wrong, Kylo?" I asked. "I don't have any friends, Bailey. Not even from the First Order. If you're gonna have your sisters as your maids of honor, I need two best men. But, who's gonna be my best men?" Kylo said.

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