Chapter 18

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*Bailey's POV*

Kylo and I walked out of the elevator as we walked towards Snoke's throne until we stopped in the middle of the throne. Kylo kneeled down on one knee and he bowed his head down while I stood up, holding my hands together. I heard Snoke chuckling.

"Well, well, well. Kylo Ren, my worthy apprentice. I see you have brought the First Order's newest member. The Earth girl." Snoke said. "Yes, Supreme Leader. I have brought her here as you requested when her training was completed." Kylo said, looking up at Snoke. "I take that her training has been a success from what you have taught her." Snoke said. "A quick learner she is." Kylo said. "Good. Despite your failure with that scavenger girl that left you with that scar on your face, I'm impressed for you training the Earth girl. But yet, I can sense a weakness from within you, Kylo Ren, as a certain someone had mentioned to me about what's been happening between you two." Snoke said, looking at both me and Kylo. Oh, no. He knows about me and Kylo. But I was not scared of him. I kept my confidence up.

Then, Snoke chuckled. "But never mind that. Right now, I would like to meet her." He said. But, then, out of nowhere, my Lightsaber flew off my utility belt and Snoke caught it. "But it's best to take proper precautions. She seems to be unpredictable." He said, as he set my Lightsaber on the arm rest next to him. "Come over here so I could see you up close, my child." But I didn't move. Instead, I just glared at him. "Come over" He said, sounding impatient.

All of a sudden, my body was being pulled, slowly, towards Snoke. He's using the Force to pull me towards him. I grunted as my feet were sliding on the floor and I was feeling the pressure within me from the Force. "I'm not gonna let you intimidate me, Snoke. You don't scare me." I said, while I was still sliding towards him. But Snoke ignored me and he chuckled instead. I was now standing three feet from Snoke. "Ah. Young Bailey. We finally meet. Kylo has told me so much about you and your quick learning skills from your training. For a girl from Earth who has no knowledge of the Force, I must say that I'm very impressed." Snoke said, as he began observing me. I only glared at him.

"You have so much of your father's looks. You have your mother's smile. You're the youngest of your two older sisters." He said. "You don't know nothing about my family." I said. "Oh, do I? Foolish child, I can read your mind when you were standing next to Kylo. Don't think I'm a fool." He said, as he chuckled a bit.

"Now, then, let me see what's in your mind." He said, as he stared in to my eyes. I felt a slight tightness around my head for a moment until it stopped. I let out a sigh of relief. "I see those wonderful moments in your life." Snoke finally said. Then, all of a sudden, I looked to my right side and I saw my memories appear. I gasped, quietly, and smiled as I saw the happiest moments in my life. The day I was born, my family, my friends, singing in the school talent shows and recitals, my oldest sister's wedding, becoming an aunt, twice, my high school dances, and my high school graduation. Then, it all disappeared.

"Yet, I see those negative moments in your life." Snoke said, as I looked to my left side and I saw the memories appear. My lips were parted as I gasped, quietly, and I felt like I was on the verge of tears as I was looking at the negative moments in my life. "Your parents fighting, being scolded by your parents, the peers in your school bullying you and calling names behind your back, people rejecting you, all of that." He said. I looked down after the memories vanished, feeling sad, hurt, and even angry.

"Tell me something, dear child, would you rather live through a life like that?" Snoke asked me. I didn't answer. I was still looking down. "Because there's a way to leave that all behind and start a new life as you would've wanted it. All you have to do is join the Dark Side, Bailey." I looked up at him. "You can be the most powerful being in the galaxy. You and Kylo can rule together. Just give me your answer and you can leave the life you go through that you've been wishing to do for so long." Snoke finished saying.

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