Chapter 14

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*Bailey's POV*

The door of our ship opened in front of me and Kylo, with the sunlight blinding us for a second until we could see a crowd of people and alien-like creatures crowding around with six men holding their Blasters towards us. I heard everyone gasping and talking to each other as they saw Kylo. "It's Kylo Ren." "Just as Finn and Rey described him." "He doesn't have his mask on." "Look at that scar on his face."

Kylo and I, still holding hands, stepped out of our ship and the door automatically closed itself. We looked all over the crowd, with worried expressions on our faces. I could hear some people talking about me. "Who's that girl?" "Why is she with Kylo Ren?" "Is she a hostage?" "She's probably Kylo Ren's apprentice."

Then, an attractive man with wavy dark brown hair and tan skin, wearing an orange and white suit, with a small ball-like droid rolling by his side, stepped forward. "Stand your ground, everyone. They could be armed." The man said. The ball-like droid beeped as well. "We're not armed. We have not come here to harm you." Kylo said, loudly. The crowd murmured to each other, but with confusion. They turned back at us.

"We have come here to see Ge—" Kylo started to say, but he stopped as a surprised expression appeared on his face when something caught his eyes. I looked where Kylo was looking and I saw who it was. The crowd turned as well.

There stood a woman, wearing a greenish-gray jumpsuit with a brown vest and brown boots. Her hair was up with a braid wrapped across her head. There were two bodyguards on each side next to her. She had a shocked and surprised look on her face. All I could hear was her saying, "Ben.", and Kylo saying, "Mother.", quietly. I knew right away that it was none other than General Leia.

They stared at each other from a far distance for a long time since it was the first time they've seen each other in years. They were both speechless as their lips were parted.

"Goodness me, General. It's Kylo Ren. It's—Oh." A gold man-like droid that walked from behind Leia said, without Leia moving an inch, but, then, he stopped talking as she began to walk forward, slowly. The bodyguards began following her, but she put a hand up, without looking at them, signaling them to stop, which they did. Some of the people were clearing a pathway as she kept walking towards Kylo and I. "Hold your fire." The man in the orange and white suit said and the six men put their Blasters down.

Kylo looked at me and I looked at him. I knew what he was going to do, so I nodded, and I released my hand from his and Kylo turned his head to face his mother as he started walking, slowly, towards her. They walked closer and closer until they stood five feet from each other. Neither of them said a word for a moment until Leia spoke. "Oh, Ben. I can't believe it's you." Kylo was still speechless. I could sense that he was still nervous. But, then, he finally said, "I know, mother."

"Why are you here at the Resistance Base?" Leia asked, nicely and calmly. Kylo was loss for words. He, then, turned to me. I smiled at him while I, slightly, nodded, signaling him to say what he needed to say. Kylo, then, slightly, nodded back, and he turned back to face Leia before he kneeled down on one knee. "Mother...I've come ask you for forgiveness." Kylo finally spoke. The crowd gasped, once again, and they were talking to each other, shocked, until they stopped talking. Leia was shocked as well. "What do you mean, Ben?" Leia asked, nicely and calmly.

Kylo took a moment to think before he took a deep breath and spoke. "Mother, for so long, I've been feeling torn apart ever since I've joined the Dark Side. Part of me felt powerful, loyal, fighting away from the Light Side, and I've felt proud to be on the Dark Side and follow in my grandfather's footsteps. I thought that I could impress Supreme Leader Snoke of becoming just like my grandfather for all these years. But..."

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