Chapter 6

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*Bailey's POV*

I woke up feeling the bed sheets over me. That's strange. I didn't remember going to bed. I fell asleep in the recovery room at the infirmary after I took care of Kylo. Maybe he brought me back to my room while I was sleeping since I was still in my training clothes. If he did bring me back to my room, that was very sweet of him to do that.    

It was night time, so I changed into my night clothes, brushed my teeth, and I sat on my bed, holding my legs together. I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Kylo. He's been so caring, kind, helpful, and he's been so protective of me, even when he saved my life from the Wampa. I didn't see him as someone to fear at all. He really has changed ever since he brought me here. I've developed feelings for him and I could sense that he has feelings for me.

Even though it's been three days since I've been with Kylo, I felt like I needed to tell him how I feel about him. I needed to tell him that I love him. Yes. I needed to tell him. I needed to tell him now! Even if I have to wake him up, I needed to tell him.

I, quickly, got up out of bed and I sprinted towards the door. I opened it and, to my surprise, Kylo was standing outside the door, wearing a black tank top and black shorts that were similar to my night clothes. He must've sensed that I was awake, but I wondered if he'd also sensed on what I was thinking about.

He walked in, making me walk backwards, and he closed the door with his Force, while looking at me, with lust in his eyes and his lips slightly parted. Then, out of nowhere, he walked up to me, cupped my face with both of his soft bare hands and he pressed his lips against mine and he closed his eyes. My eyes widened for a second until I closed them. I was surprised that he did that. It showed that he does have feelings for me.

Kylo stepped back and looked at me, surprised. We both looked at each other for a moment until I stepped towards him and I wrapped my arms around Kylo's neck and I pressed my lips against his. He returned the kiss and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he pulled me closer to him as our kiss was beginning to be more passionate.

My heart was beating fast. I let out a small moan as I was enjoying this, since it was my first kiss. This was something I've waited for so long.

We stopped kissing, and, then, Kylo scooped me off the floor and he carried me, in a bridal style, to my bed, and he laid me down while he laid on top of me. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. You're so beautiful." Kylo said, softly, while stroking my cheek with his thumb. I smiled and blushed even more. "I love you." I said, softly. Kylo smiled and said back to me, softly, "I love you too." He, then, planted soft kisses on my lips, cheek, jawline, and on my neck.

Then, he moved to my left side and I laid on my side with my back facing Kylo. He closed the space between us as I could feel his chest on my back and we intertwined our hands together. I laid on the pillow as I was beginning to doze off into sleep. Kylo planted soft kisses on the back of my head, as if he was saying 'Goodnight, my love', and he rested his head on my head and he fell asleep. We slept while our hands were still intertwined. 

*Third Person's POV*

General Hux was walking down the hallway heading to the infirmary to 'see' Kylo. He wanted to 'check' to see if he was 'okay'.

When he arrived at the infirmary, the doctor, who helped Kylo earlier, walked up to him and asked, "General Hux, how can I help you?" General Hux looked at him, glaring, and said, "I heard that Kylo Ren was attacked by the Wampa and I thought that I could go see how he's doing." "Sorry, General Hux, you missed him. Kylo Ren was discharged about an hour ago." The doctor said.

"Oh, really?" General Hux said, seemingly annoyed. "Yes. Miss Bailey took care of him while he was here." The doctor said. "She did, huh?" General Hux asked, annoyed and irritated. "Oh, yes. She saved Kylo Ren from the Wampa. She told me that he was trying to protect her before he was attacked. She's so brave and helpful. She fell asleep here, so Kylo Ren took her back to her quarters after he was discharged." The doctor said. It was making General Hux even more irritated to hear that.

Then, General Hux shook his head and he cleared his throat and said, "Well, I do appreciate you telling me, doctor." "Anytime, General." The doctor said, and he walked off. General Hux, then, exited out of the infirmary and he walked down the hallway, clutching his fists.

"I'm not going to let that Bailey get away with this. She's ruining Kylo Ren. There's something going on between those two. I can sense it. No matter. I'll think of a way to get back at that Bailey."

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