Chapter 19

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*Third Person's POV*

There he was. The legendary Jedi Master and the son of Anakin Skywalker and the twin brother of General Leia Organa. Luke Skywalker. He walked out of the elevator and he walked towards Snoke's throne until he was standing five feet away from Kylo, who had a shocked, speechless look on his face. "Skywalker." Snoke said. "Snoke." Luke said.

"I've been waiting a long time to see your face, Skywalker. Been feeling guilty of abandoning everyone, including your sister?" Snoke asked, sarcastically. "No." Luke simply said. "H-how did you get here?" Kylo asked. "My X-wing Fighter." Luke answered. "Have you come here to surrender yourself?" Snoke said. There was a brief pause for a couple of seconds until Luke simply answered, "No. I have come defeat you once and for all, Snoke."

There was a long pause for a few seconds until Snoke laughed. "The greatest Jedi Master has come all this way from where ever he's been hiding all this time to defeat the great and powerful, Supreme Leader Snoke?" He said. "Pathetic. You're already too late, Skywalker. You can't defeat me. Now that you're here, I shall take the Force from within and destroy you...and Kylo as well." Snoke said, as he stood up from his throne chair and he started, slowly, walking towards Kylo and Luke.

"Wait, what?!" Kylo shouted. "You heard me, Kylo." Snoke said, as he walked around Bailey's body. "Filthy traitor! How could you do this to me, Supreme Leader?!" Kylo shouted, as he and Luke were taking small steps back. "I got what I wanted, Kylo, so I have no more use for you anymore." "So, my father and Bailey were right. You did use me for my power!" Kylo said. "Well, you should've listened to the ones you love than listening to your true enemy!" Snoke said, as he held both of his hands out towards Kylo and Luke, like he was holding two cups. Kylo and Luke both grunted and they both started choking as they were being raised five feet above the ground. "Now, then, this is it. The moment I've been waiting for. I have long waited for this day to come." Snoke started saying.

Unbeknownst to Snoke as he kept talking to Kylo and Luke, Bailey, still laying on the ground, raised her right hand and she used the Force to summon her Lightsaber. The Lightsaber flew off the arm rest and it flew into Bailey's hand and she opened her eyes. She saw what Snoke was doing and she, slowly and quietly, got up from the ground. She, then, started taking slow baby steps towards Snoke from behind.

"Once I drain the Force from both of you, I will destroy you both and I'll become the most powerful in the galaxy. People will remember you for what you both are known for. The legendary Jedi Master, the son of Anakin Skywalker, and the Jedi Master who became a failure and vanished out of thin air. Luke Skywalker. And last but not least, the one who people have feared the most in the galaxy. The grandson of Anakin Skywalker. The one who killed thousands, including the well-known galaxy smuggler, Han Solo. Once you take your last breath, people are gonna remember the fearsome, infamous, Kylo Ren." Snoke finished.

Then, all of a sudden, the sound of an activated Lightsaber was heard from behind him. "His name is Ben Solo, you monster!" Bailey shouted and without a warning, as quick as lightning, she swung her Lightsaber and sliced Snoke through the torso. Kylo and Luke fell on the floor and they both looked up as they took deep breaths. Bailey took a couple of steps back as the lifeless body of Snoke collapsed on the ground, splitting in half. Then, the guards in red held up their weapons as they were getting ready to fight.

Kylo and Luke were speechless as they looked at Bailey, who was still holding her activated Lightsaber. Kylo and Luke stood up as they took their Lightsabers off their utility belts and activated them; with Luke's Lightsaber, it was green. Bailey walked in between Snoke's sliced up body and she walked up to them and spoke, "Let's fight with everything that we've got." Kylo and Luke looked at each other, then, they both said back, "Let's do it!" Then, they walked past Snoke's body and they walked closer to the throne room, towards the guards. They stopped and they turned their backs and they formed a group circle, with their Lightsabers pointing at the guards, who were in groups of two, surrounding the trio with their weapons.

Bailey, Kylo, and Luke circled around for a bit until the guards, in groups of two, were beginning to attack. The three of them stopped circling around and they faced their own two opponents. "Now!" Bailey shouted, as she, Kylo, and Luke stepped forward and they began fighting with their two opponents. It was a challenge, especially for Bailey since she hasn't been trained to fight off more than one opponent with her Lightsaber when she was training with Kylo. But she tried her best efforts to protect herself and she used everything that she learned from training, including her dodging moves.

Since the beginning of the fight, Kylo killed one of his opponents in just one stab in the heart. But now he was fighting against a guard that had an electric whip. Luke struggled a bit, but he managed to kill one of his opponents. Bailey used one of her dodging skills and she killed one of her opponents from behind.

The three of them were now against one opponent, but things were starting to get tough. Bailey's opponent kicked her in the leg, causing her to fall and drop her Lightsaber. As she stood up get her Lightsaber, the guard came around her and he held the staff of his weapon against her neck, strangling her. Kylo's opponent smacked his Lightsaber out of his hand with the electric whip. The guard had Kylo cornered in the throne room while Kylo used a dead opponent's weapon to block the guard's electric whip from whipping at him that could eventually kill him. Luke was blocking a guard's blade-sword with his Lightsaber, but he was on the verge of giving up. Bailey, on the verge of losing consciousness, saw Kylo and Luke struggling and they were both getting ready to give up.

*Bailey's POV*

Suddenly, I was starting to feel all this energy from the Force building up inside my body. It was the same feeling I felt when Kylo was reading my mind after he abducted me. Anger and emotions. But this time, it felt stronger. Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I screamed as loud as I could to release this energy. Even though my eyes were closed, I felt a shock wave released from within me. As soon as I stopped screaming, I felt the staff of the guard's weapon released from my neck. I fell on my hands and knees, coughing and taking deep breaths.

I, finally, opened my eyes and I looked around. The guard that was strangling me laid less than ten yards away from me, dead. I saw Kylo, sitting on his knees while covering his head. The guard that was fighting with him sat against the wall, with his head, diagonally, facing the ground, with his electric whip wrapped around his chest, sizzling him. Then, I saw Luke laying on his back, holding his activated Lightsaber, panting, while the guard, that was fighting with him, was laying on his back from the opposite side of Luke, with his blade-sword in his chest. I couldn't believe it. That energy from the Force within me had defeated the guards.

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