Info On Jessie

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Hey fuckers! My names Jessie. I'm an orphan. My parents didn't want a kid. I was a mistake. I was brought here when I was 6 years old.


"Hunny, get in the car! Now!" My mom yelled.

"Okay mommy. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Oh, you want to know? Well it's a surprise!" She said laughing.


I got in the car and we drove for a hour. We got out and she walked me to the door and knocked then got in the car and sped off. The door opened, there was a lady.

"Oh, you must be Jessie!" She said and pulled me in.

"Welcome to the orphanage!"

What, the orphanage!

"Here's your room. Have fun." She said and walked away.

~End Of Flashback~

I've been here since I was 6, I am now 17, 18 in about 6 months, then I will finally be free of this hell.

Let me explain myself, I have black 'scene' hair. I have 2 nose piercings, septum and one on the left side of my nose, and snake bites, but I normally have studs in. I have grey eyes, they almost look black. And I'm 5'6. I'm not really pretty, in my opinion. And I'm skinny.

My favorite bands are BOTDF, OM&M, BMTH, PTV, SWS, and SS, but my most favorite band is BVB..

My room is full of posters and I have a desk FILLED with CDs. With a laptop on top of course.

Well.. That's my life.

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