Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

Jessie's P.O.V

I was sitting in my room. I'm bored! I decided I would text my friend. We have been friends ever since I came here, she got adopted before me but her adoptive parents let me see her whenever, they were going to adopt me also but they didn't have the room.

(D- Destiny J- Jessie)

J- Hey Des! How's it goin?

D- Not bad, just sitting in my room. What about you?

J- Sitting in my room also. I'm bored.

D- Oh.. Well, my mom just called me. I gotta go. I love you Jess!<3

J- Okay, I love you too Des!<3

Now I'm even more bored...

"Jessie, come downstairs. There are people coming to adopt a girl from 15-17" The owner said.

"No." I said coldly. I never get adopted. Why should I?

"Come on." She said.

"No! I'm not going down there." I said.

"If you don't get adopted I will give you $150..." She bribed.

"Okay.... I guess." I gave in.

"OK, wear something nice." She said.

"I have nothing nice. I will wear what I wear." I said.

"Fine" she said and walked out.

I got dressed in a white 'Pierce The Veil' muscle tank, black shorts, and white converse. I straightened my hair, put in different lip piercings, (I had the snake bites. Now I put in my lip studs) I already had my nose piercings in. I put makeup on, it was black eye-shadow, and eye-liner, the usual. My tattoo wasn't noticeable, oh yeah, did I mention that I have the BVB star tattooed on my right shoulder with the words, 'Never Give In, Never Back Down' tattooed under it. No? Well I do. I'm not supposed to have a tattoo.. So I wear muscle tanks, instead of actual tank tops.

"JESSIE HURRY UP! THEY JUST PULLED IN!!" The owner yelled. She never told me her name...

I ran downstairs and stood there looking at my feet.

Then I heard the sound of someone walking in. I just stood there, still looking at my feet.

"Names please." A familiar voice said.

"Well, there is Emily, Julie, Kat, Nikki, Ally, Daisy....... And that thing on the end named Jessie." The owner said.

She never liked me. Hell, nobody liked me.

"Can I see your faces?" The voice asked. I groaned. Nobody needs to see my face!

I looked up, and there he was.. Jake fucking Pitts... O_O FANGIRL MOMENT!!! Dammit, calm down Jessie.

"Well... I am interested in.......... Jessie." He said smiling at me.
What? He's got to be kidding... Me?

"Uh, that's the rebel of this place.. You have got to be kidding if you want to adopted HER." She said surprised.

"Rebels are awesome." Jake said.

"You'll regret it Mr. Pitts. If anything happens feel free to bring her back. Jessie get your bags packed.

"Okay, bitch." I said and walked away.

"What's the emo doing? Getting adopted by ANOTHER emo? Hahahaha!!" Emily, the lead bimbo, said.

"Haha, at least I AM getting adopted!" I said.

"Uh... Um.." She stuttered. That's what I thought bitch.


I got all of my things packed and walked downstairs with my bags.

"Alright, I'm Jake. And..... Lets go to my car!" He said, helping me with my bags.


We got to the house. It's HUGE! Holy shit!

"Well, my band mates are inside. I play lead guitarist for the band, Black Veil Brides." Jake said smiling.

"I know, haha. I love your band! It's my favorite!" I replied smiling.

(A/N- Soooooooo.... How do you guys like it? There is more to come!(: Bye!)

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