Chapter 12

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After a couple minutes of name calling from me and Ass, yes, ass, Andy walked in.

"Why aren't you out there Jess?"

"Um... Hanging with Ash.."

"Why Aaassshhh... Hang out with me."



"Because I said no.."

"Ugh, fine. I'll be back for you." He said walking away.

"Mhm, that's what they all say."

"What ya wanna do?" Ash asked.

"I don't know.."

"Well that was specific."

"YEP!" I said popping the 'p'

"Want to go to the store with me?"


"Alright, let's go." He said putting on his sunglasses.

"Okay." I said putting on my boots. I took them off for a while.

We walked outside and he stopped and turned to me.

"Want to ride on my Harley?"

"Not really."

"Awh, why?"

"I do NOT trust riding with you."

"Psh, why? I'll be safe with you."

"I don't knoooow...."

"Come on. It will be fun! What's more fun than riding on a Harley?"

"Riding in a car, listening to music, poking things, eating food, Fixing my ha-"

"Shut up. Lets go." He said practically dragging me away from the house.

"Do I have to?"


"I'm not wearing a helmet."

"If we wreck then you'll die."

"Woah woah... Wrecking on a motorcycle is way worse. You have fun, I'll take Jakes car and follow behind you. Fuck that."

"Fine, lets take Andy's car though. His is faster."

"Will he let you drive?"

"I don't know, but he'll let you drive. Do you have your license?"

"Yeah. And why would he let me drive it?"

"You're you. He practically drools over you."

"So do you.."

"True.. But he is crazy about you."

"Doubt it."

"Go ask him for his keys."


"Why? Is Jess to shhyy?"


"Fine, I'll ask."

We walked over there and he was about to ask for the keys... So I thought...

"Hey Andy?"


"Jess has to ask you something."


"Ask away."



"Can I........ Drive your car?"

"I don't care." He said tossing me his keys.

"Yay! Thanks Andy!" I said hugging him.

"Haha, you're welcome!"

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