Chapter 36

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After playing MC with Damon for a little longer, I got a call from a blocked number. I'm gonna have fun with this...

J- Hello, this is Jim's whore house, you got the dough, we got the hoe!

U- Um... Hi... Uh... Are you Jessie Kelly?

J- my names Jessie, my last name sure as hell isn't Kelly. It's Pitts.

U- Alright, are your parents name Alex Kelly and Felicia Kelly?

J- I don't fucking no. My 'mother' took me to the adoption center at a young age.

U- Okay, well Alex is saying that he has a daughter named Jessie Kelly. I'm George Phillips. I'm a police officer.

(A/N- Don't make fun of the name I chose ;D Literally took me 10 fucking minutes to think of. Feel lucky....)

J- Well...... Okay.....

G- I need to tell you something.

J- Well tell me......

G- Your mother has passed away.

J- Do you honestly think I give a fuck?

G- Your father wanted me to track you down and tell you. He thought that you'd want to know.

J- Fuck them both.

G- Would you like to come to the funeral?

J- Sure, to tell that nasty bitch that she can rot in hell.

G- Okay. The funeral is in Tampa, Florida at 12:30PM Tuesday morning.

Today was Saturday.

J- I'll be there. Bye.

-Call Ended-

"Jim's whore house?!" Damon asking bursting into laughter.

"Hahahaha, yes!"

"And what was the call about?"

"Oh, my mom passed away."

"I'm so sorry!"

"Eh, it's fine. I'm just going to say some things. Anyway, I better pack. I like getting places early."

"Oh. You're going alone?"

"Yeah, my only friends/family are touring..."

"I'll go with you!"

"No! You're NOT going. Damon, you have to be here for your fans. I'm not taking you away from that."

"So it's settled, I'm going!"

"Damon. Stay here for your fans!"

I would honestly love for him to go, but I'm not taking him away from his fans just to go to a funeral for a person he doesn't know.

"I'm gonna go pack my shit. You better pack also!"

"Ugh, okay.."

Well... He's going with me... At least I won't be alone though...

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