Chapter 25

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Jessie's P.O.V

I woke up to being put in someone's bunk. What the fuck? Oh.... I fell asleep crying in Vic's arms... This is not my bunk. Whatever. I'm tired. I'll worry about that shit tomorrow.

-Next Morning-

I woke up and I was in someone's arms.. Andy? I looked up and it was Vic. GOOD. I kind of like Vic... I think today I'm going to forgive Andy.. It's the right thing to do. Wait, when do I do the right thing? What the fuck is wrong with me?! I was broke out of my thoughts when I heard Vic.

Vic's P.O.V

Root beer fairytales. What the fuck?! I normally have a weird thought on my mind when I wake up.. One time when I woke up I thought of 'Tis I. The Frenchiest Fry' wow.. That's messed up. I know I put Jessie in a spare bunk but she looked lonely so I slept with her... NOT LIKE THAT YOU PERVERT. Then I felt someone turning under my arm. She's awake. I have to admit, Jessie's hot.. STOP THINKING THAT. SHE LITERALLY JUST GOT HER HEART BROKEN, FUCKNUT!

"Hey beautiful."

Nice going Vic.

"Hey..." She said sleepily.

"Sleep good?"

"Yeah.. You're comfy.." She said looking at me. She was beautiful when she was tired.. SNAP OUT OF IT.

"Haha, so I've been told."

'So I've been told.' Really... Is that all I could think to say? She gave me a weird look and got up. She got out of the bunk and stretched.

Jessie's P.O.V

I started to get bored and didn't know what to say so I got up and stretched. I looked at Vic and smiled, he smiled back. I walked into the living room and Mike whistled at me.

"Really, Fuentes?"

"Oooo.. She just used your last name...." Jaime said.

"It's Mike. You must be new."


"Most people know not to call me by my last name.."

"That's nice." I said sitting down by Tony.

"Hi, I'm Tony!"

"Ah, silly boy, I know who you are. Mr. Turtle."


"No. I just like the band."


Then my phone rang, Ash.

"I'll be back.." I said stepping outside of the bus.

J- What?

A- Well you seem happy.... NOT! Come back.

J- Do I have to?

A- Yes..

J- Ugh, I hate you.

A- Love you too!

J- Shut it.

-Call Ended-

Dammit. I don't want to leave..

I walked back on the bus and Vic was now in the living room.

"I gotta go.."

"BYE PITTS!" Tony yelled.

"Shut it, Perry."

"OOOWWWNNNEEEDDD!!!" Jaime yelled.

"Bye guys!" I said before walking off of the bus.

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