Chapter 46

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(A/N- Guys, this chapter is probably going to be the last. I'm sorry. I barely update and I really don't want to leave you guys hangin. I'm barely even on Instagram anymore. Yes, I post everyday, but I barely get on it. I'm terribly sorry!! I love you guys<3)

-12 Month Time Skip-

Andy and I have bought a nice two story house right by the BVB house!

Also, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy which we chose to name Gunner Andrew Biersack.

We honestly love that name so much!

"Babe, where's Gunner?" Andy asked.

Fuck.. Not this shit again. He already lost a 4 month old baby...

"Is he in his crib?" I asked.

"Nooo..... BECAUSE HE IS BATMAN!!!!!" Andy yelled suddenly grabbing the baby that was behind him dressed as Batman...

"You serious?!" I said laughing.

"Yes!! He is Batman!!"

"Like you!" I said.

Then Gunner started cryin....

"Dam- DANG it Andy! Please hand him over!" I said reaching out my arms.

"Fine." Andy said giving my Gunner.

"Shh... Is okay..." I said trying to calm him.

He stopped crying and Andy just looked at me.

"What?" I said startin to laugh a little.

"How the hell-"

"HECK! HOW THE HECK!" I corrected.

"How the HECK do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Calm the baby!"

"It's a mom thing! You wouldn't understand!"

"Why can't I be a mom?"

"Andy, if you were a mom, we wouldn't have him..."


"We're both girls.."

"Your point?"

"Andy, do you remember how babies are made?!"


"Girls don't have a.... Never mind.... You wouldn't understand...." I said laughing.

-2 Hours Later-

I just put Gunner to bed and now I'm walkin downstairs.



"Come here a minute." Andy said from the living room.

"Okay," I said making my way in there.

Oh my fucking god..

"Will you marry me?" Andy asked down on one knee."

"Yes!" I said running up to him and hugging him.

He put the engagement ring on my finger and I hugged him while crying tears of joy.

I'm going to be Jessie Biersack...

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