Chapter 34

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I went to the living room and Andy was sitting on the couch. I went to the kitchen and got cookies & cream pop tarts.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jake said from behind me.


"Cheer up!"


I got my pop tarts and walked into the bunk room, I got acid washed skinny jeans, a white 'My Chemical Romance' shirt, MCR bracelets, and white TOMs. I went into the bathroom, changed, and then did my hair. I brushed and straightened it. I walked out of the bathroom and walked outside. I sat by the side of the bus until the bus door opened it was Jake.

"Hey, Jinxx, CC, Ash, and I are going to the store. We'll be back soon. Andy's in there." He said.

"K, thanks for the warning."

"I don't see why you guys hate each other..." He mumbled.

"Are you fucking serious?" I said, "you don't know why? Have you seen the way we've been treating each other? We hate each other!"

"I personally think you need to talk this out like adults.."

"Whatever.." I mumbled before getting up and walking off.

I heard All Time Low playing my favorite song, 'Love Like War' so I ran to where they were playing at and joined the crowd. I've never met Alex.. Yet.. He's my favorite member if I had to choose.. I looked up on stage and I found Vic. His eyes met mine and it looked like his smile got brighter.

After the concert I ran backstage, the security guards know me and know who I am so I don't need a pass anymore. I walked in and they were talking with fans so I waited. I got a tap on the shoulder and turned around, it was Alex.... YAS BITCH. THIS BE MA FUCKING MAN. I'M GO-

"Hey!" He said.

I'm glad I didn't say my thoughts out loud...

"Hi!! I'm Jessie!

"Haha, Hi Jessie, how are you?"

"Fucking awesome!" I said smiling, of course. "How about you?"

"I'm pretty awesome!"

"The performance was amazing, by the way."

"Thanks! It means a lot!"

"JESSIE PITTS. HOW DARE YOU NOT SAY 'HI' TO ME?!" Vic yelled suddenly running over.

"Well Hi there Victor Fuentes!"

"Not cool.... Nobody calls me 'Victor'"

"I do now, Victor."

"You're mean..."

"I know!"

"Vic, you never told me you knew Jessie!" Alex said shocked.

"You never asked.."

"Because I didn't know who she was...."

"Oh.. Cool! Well, I've known Jessie for a while! It's her birthday AND she stayed in the PTV bus for a while."

"Oh, well happy birthday Jessie!" Alex said hugging me.

"Thanks, Alex."

"Happy birthday Jess!" Vic said hugging me also.

"GROUP HUG!" Jack yelled.

Suddenly I was being hugged by

multiple sweaty guys... Dammit..

"So much sweat... So little air..." I managed to say.

"Oh, haha, sorry.." Jack said smiling.

"Haha, it's okay!" I said smiling.

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