Chapter 19

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"I was about to warn you.." He said.

"You should've done it sooner..." I said.

"Want a hug?"


"Aw, why? Do you not like my Bier-Hugs?"

"I do. Just not now."

"Not even a kiss?"


"What about a LITTLE kiss?"


"Well fine then."

"Yep, now get out so I can take a shower."




Then he walked out. Good. I walked out and got the clothes I wanted, a white ACDC pajama shirt, then white pajama shorts.

-Skipping Shower-

I just got out. Ah, I feel clean. That's a good thing.. I walked out and the guys were asleep again. At least they are adjusting well... I'm not tired. HOW THE FUCK DO THEY DO THIS SHIT. Eh... I can always try. I walked to my bunk and got in. Of course, I was wide awake... Dammit. I walked into the bathroom to look for sleeping medicine. I think I brought some.. Aha.. I found it. I got a medicine cup thing and drank some of the medicine. That tastes weird. What the fuck.. Ew.. After getting some and making weird faces because it tasted terrible, I went to the bunk, I got in and instantly my eyelids got heavier. Well that's a good thing..

-Next Morning-

YAY! This time it's morning! I can text Dahvie! Wait no I can't.. He will be asleep.. Eh, it's 12 o'clock.. Midnight in America, he should be awake.. He might be partying, but he's probably awake..



J- How are yooooou?

D- Drunk. Dizzy. Tired.

J- So the usual?

D- Yeah.

J- You and Jayy should come to England......

D- Whhhhhhhhy? I like America time.. And Jayy hangs out with Bryce and Haley..

J- True.

D- Kerry hangs out with me a lot.. She has to go back to the UK again. I want to hang out with her until she leaves.

J- You dumbass! We're in the UK! You guys could come to England and then she would get to hang out with you until we leave..

D- True.. What about Jayy, Bryce, and Haley?

J- They'll figure it out.

D- True. I'll see what I can do.

J- Okaaaaay.



Well.. Now I'm asking the guys if they can tour with us..


"JJJEEESSSIIIEEE." He yelled back, walking into the bedroom.

"Can Dahvie come on tour?"

"How will he get here?"

"A plane, duh."

"... I'll see what the guys say."


Dahvie's P.O.V



"DO IT."


Jayy walked in.


"Want to tour in the UK with BVB and Jess?"



"I prefer America..."

"You prefer Bryce and Haley, don't you?"



"I'm going to walk away now....."


Jayy walked out.. Jess will probably text me the answer later.

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