Chapter 9

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Andy's P.O.V

Well, since she likes BOTDF... I know BOTDF... This should work perfectly... She should love me for this... Haha, I told the guys I was a genius. I called Dahvie.
(D- Dahvie A- Andy)

D- Yeah.

He always said yeah when he answers the phone...

A- Hey... Can you and Jayy come over today?

D- Yeah! Well... I will. I don't know what Jayy has planned. Probably hanging out around town with Hayley and Bryce..

A- Alright. Well, I'll call him. Come whenever.

D- Okay. BYE!

A- Bye.

-Call Ended-

Well, I got Dahvie. Now Jayy..
(You know the drill... J- Jayy A- Andy.. I'm going to stop writing it out. If you can't figure it out......... Re-read. I'll right who's calling/texting who somewhere..)

J- Hi

A- Hey, can you come over today?

J- Suuuuuuuuuuure!

A- Alright. Dahvie's coming too.

J- Oh, okay. Byyee!

A- Bye.

-Call Ended-

Good, they're both coming.. This should work out perfectly...


It's been two hours, I just heard a door bell. I am running to the door getting weird looks from the guys and Jessie. I opened the door and there was Dahvie And Jayy.

"HI!" Dahvie and Jayy said in unison.

"Hey, guys!" I said with a laugh.

"Come on, I want you to meeeeeeeeet.... Jessie!" I said dragging the 'e' until I was by Jessie.

"Hi Jessie!" They both said, once again in unison.

"H-h-h-hi..." She said, obviously nervous.

Jessie's P.O.V

Holy shit.... It's Dahvie and Jayy... FANGIRL MOMENT. HOLY SHIT.

"H-h-h-hi..." I said. Dammit. I sound stupid..

"Hi, how are you?" Dahvie asked.

"Fucking fabulous." I said.

"Haha, well that's good!" He said.

"Haha....... It is........" I don't know what to fucking say...

"I like your name." Jayy said.

"Haha, thaaaaanks.." I said blushing at his comment. I blush at stupid things... Damn...

"You three seem to be getting along great! I'll walk away and leave you guys be." He said walking off with a smirk. Fuck.... Now we're alone... I don't know where the other guys are...

"So what made you guys come here?" I said smiling.

"Andy." Jayy said.

I should've known..

"Oh.." I said.

It was very sweet of Andy to ask them to come here. But not very sweet to leave them here with me... Alone. I AM SOCIALLY AWKWARD DAMMIT.

I was standing there awkwardly with them when Dahvie randomly hugged me.... Well, I should hug back... Who would miss a chance to hug Dahvie? I hugged him back. After two minutes he backed away, breaking the hug. Dammit.

"What was that for?" I said smiling.

"Nothing really. Just got awkward in here.. And I like hugs.." He said laughing.

"If you hang out with him more, he will do that, A. LOT. Trust me..." Jayy said laughing a little bit.

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