Chapter 29

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Andy and I started walking back and once we were back I was going to tell them all I was going to move back to the BVB bus. I actually have a terrible secret... That's part of the reason I need/want to go back... I... I like Tony.. I don't know what to do! I made the dumb move of kissing Andy.. I think I should tell him that I was kind of caught in the moment.. And, well.. We kissed.. I don't even think Turtle likes me back soooo.. I don't know what I can do..

"Hey, Andy.."


"I just need you to know, the kiss was an accident... I honestly don't know if I want to be with you... We can still be friends! I just... I needed to tell you that.."

"Yeah.. A misunderstanding.. Everything is a goddamn misunderstanding.." He said as he stormed off... Did I say something wrong? I just needed to tell him before it got out of control..

"Andy! Come here!" I yelled to him.

No response.. He was out of sight... I still want to go back to the BVB bus.. I miss the guys.

I feel fucking terrible. I just stood there. Pretty sure I just broke his heart.. Wait, isn't that what he did to me? Pretty much.

"Hey! You're to pretty to look upset. What's wrong?" I looked up and it was Damon.

"You should already kn-"



"Why'd you go back?"

"Damon, this time it was my fault. I kissed him, I like someone else, I tried to explain it to him and he got pissed off and walked away.."

"Sorry.." He said hugging me. "So, who's your crush?"

"Not telling. You'll tell him."

"No I won't..."



"I like Tony.." I whispered.

"You guys would look cool together!"

"Don't tell ANYONE or I'll be on the 9 o'clock news murdering your ass." (A/N- Kingsley! Pretty sure that's how you spell that.. Whoops..)

He put his hands up, "I won't tell a soul..."

"You better not."

"So... What can I do to get you and Tony together?" He whispered.

"Nothing dipshit! Not like I'm going to date him anyway. I don't think he likes me like that! I think he thinks of me as a sister."

"I'm finding out!" He said as he ran away.

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