Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

Jessie's P.O.V

Jake seemed pretty happy that I know the band he's in.

We walked in and there was the rest of BVB.... Sitting on the couch watching Batman. Obviously Andy picked it.

Andy's P.O.V (Before Jake left to adopt Jessie)

"It's boring around here. I know you guys are here but it's boooooring." Jake whined.

"It's okay." Ash tried helping.

"Well... I was thinking.. Maybe I could adopt someone." Jake suggested.

"No, the last thing we need is a kid around here, CC is enough of a kid." I said laughing.

"No, like a girl from the ages 15-17.." Jake said.

"I say go for it." Jinxx said.


"I think it's a good idea." Ashley said.

"Do it." I said smiling.

"Okay, I'm going to adopt! Wish me luck!" Jake said walking out to his car.

"Well... She better not be a bitch." Ash said.

"Ash, either way you will hit on her..." I said.

"Lets watch TV." Jinxx said.

"BATMAN!" I yelled turning on Batman.

"Fuck. AGAIN Andy?!" Ash said.

"Yes, anytime, is Batman time." I said.

~After Jake comes back with the girl~


"ACT NATURAL!" I yelled.

We all did a random ass pose. Well... Welcome to the family...

I heard the door open and we all acted like we were normally watching Batman.

She walked in and Jake showed her around. Damn, she's beautiful.. Oh shit. We have to control Ash...

"Dayum." Ash said after they walked away.

"Ashley. Do NOT hit on her.." I said.

"Aw.. Andy, you know I can't control myself around girls." He wines.

"You can, you just decide not to." I said. Hey! It's a fact!


Jessie's P.O.V

Jake was showing me around. He showed me my room... IT'S HUGE! It has black walls, posters everywhere, blood red floor, a huge double bed, dresser, desk, bathroom, COMPLETELY AWESOME! I unpacked and when downstairs.

"Hey, what's your name?" Ashley asked.

"Jessie." I said.

"Oh, beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Ash said.

Haha, that was SO cheesy!

"Haha, thanks." I said.


"Dammit.." Ashley complained.

"I'm just going to watch TV now....." I said walking in the living room and sitting on the floor. I never sit on furniture. I'm weird like that. ;D

"Why don't you sit on the couch?" Andy asked.

"I honestly have no clue. I never sit on couches. Haha.." I said laughing awkwardly.

"So... I see you're socially awkward." Andy pointed out.

"Is it THAT fucking obvious?" I asked.

"Kind of." He said.


"Um... I'm going to go up to my room..." I said awkwardly walking up to my room.

Great. Now he thinks I'm weird. JUST FUCKING LOVELY. I'm gonna text Destiny.
(D- Destiny J- Jessie)

J- Hey! I got adopted!!


J- Haha, you probably won't believe me.


J- I got adopted by Jake Pitts... From Black Veil Brides!

D- You're lying.

J- Why would I be lying? I'm serious..

D- Really? I highly doubt that.

J- Des, what's wrong?

D- How would you feel if your 'Best friend' lied about being adopted by BVB?

J- I don't know. But I am NOT lying.

D- Keep telling your self that..

J- Do you want me to send a picture of us to you?

D- No, you'd just photoshop it. Just give up Jessie. I don't want a lying best friend.

J- Des!

D- Don't call me that. Don't even call or text me!

J- Des... Why don't you believe me?

D- Bye Jessie.

What? Why does she NOT believe me..? Well.. There goes my only friend..

I walked downstairs and just sat on the couch. (I actually sat on a couch....) I guess I looked pretty sad. Jinxx noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh.. Um.. Nothing.." I said.

"Jessie, you know that if you need to tell us something you could tell any of us." He said.

"I know.. It's just.. I've been friends with this one girl, Destiny, and she got a hair up her ass and won't believe that I got adopted by Jake." I said.

"Well.. Lets send her a picture of us." He said.

"That won't work, I told her I'd send a picture and she said it would be photoshopped." I said.

"Then she wasn't a true friend, now was she?" He said.

"True.. Thanks Jinxx" I said hugging him.

"You're welcome. Anytime you need someone to talk to, tell me." He said smiling.


"WHO WANTS PIZZA???" Jake yelled/asked.

"I WANT PIZZA!!" I yelled back.

"WOOHOO!! PIZZA IT IS!!" He yelled back.

~~~~ -After eating- ~~~~
I was sitting in my room and there was a knock on my door. Wow, not used to people knocking..

"Come in." I said.

The door opened and Andy was there.

"Hey" He said.

"Hi" I said smiling.

"Want to go to the park with us?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said getting up and following the guys.

(A/N- HEY GUYS! How'd you like it? This is my second fanfic..... My first one is, 'Andy Biersack Fanfic' not very specific... But that's what I named it. Okay well... I hope you enjoyed! BYE!

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