Chapter 27

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I looked back at who tackled me and it was Andy..



Andy was being lifted off of me and punched, I could tell he was being punched by the noises he is making.... I rolled over onto my back and looked at who was punching him. It's Tony...

Tony was beating up Andy... That's so sweet. And I am so evil for watching him beat Andy.. Ugh.. I should say something and be a better person.. SINCE WHEN AM I A BETTER PERSON? Oh yeah, since I don't want Turtle in jail..

"Tony! It's fine.... Just calm down. You don't need to go to jail over this!" I said.


"Come on, calm down. You don't need to go to jail!"

He stopped punching Andy and just held him there.

"Did he hurt you?"

If I say yes Tony would kill him.. Truth is, my back hurts because Andy dived on me..

"No, not at all. I'm fine, I promise." I lied.

I felt bad about lying to him but if I would've told the truth there would be no more Black Veil Brides..

"Better not have.." He mumbled running while dragging Andy behind him. I watched where he was going and he put him in the BVB bus and ran to the PTV bus. I walked over and everyone was running to the outside of the bus..

"What's going on?" I asked..

Vic pointed up. I looked up and Tony was on top of the bus, really Tony?

"Tony, why are you on top of the bus?" Vic asked.

"Why aren't you on top of the bus?" Tony replied..

"Come on. We have a concert in..... 3 hours and an interview in 1 hour.." Vic said looking at his watch.

"I'll be down by then!"

"Dude, get down."

"Do I have to?"


"Turtle. Get your ass down." I said.

He looked at me and jumped off of the bus.

"I'm down!" He said smiling.


We all heard footsteps so we looked over.. Black Veil Brides, besides Andy, were walking over.. Ooo.. Shit..

"Tony." Ashley said once they walked over.

"Ashley." Tony said.

BVB was glaring at Tony and Tony was returning the glare..

"Why'd you do it?" Ash asked.

"No, that's not the question. The question is, 'Why'd he do it?'" Tony said still glaring at them.

"He didn't want to be with Jessie. That happened. Now answer my goddamn question."

Just hearing that he didn't want to be with me made me upset. I guess Vic would tell, he pulled me into a hug.

"I did it because he tackled Jess after completely breaking her heart." Well, Tony wasn't lying...

"THAT GAVE YOU NO RIGHT TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ANDY!" Ashley yelled getting closer.. This is not going to end to well.

"Jess, come on. This isn't going to end good. Lets go back to the BVB bus until it settles down.." Jinxx said calmly.

"Not gonna happen. I'm not leaving." I said.

"WELL YEAH IT DID! I SEE JESSIE AS A FUCKING SISTER! HE BROKE HER HEART AND AFTER THAT WANTED TO TALK TO HER?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tony yelled getting closer and swinging a punch at Ash, Ashley grabbed Tonys fist before it hit him. Ash twisted Tonys fist, Tony punched Ashley in the head with his other fist and in return Ash let go of Tonys hand and kept throwing punches at Ashley..

"GUYS! STOP! BLACK VEIL BRIDES, GO TO YOUR GODDAMN BUS AND TAKE CARE OF ANDY!" PIERCE THE VEIL, GET YOUR ASSES INSIDE!" I got out of Vics hug and screamed at them. Ashley sent me an apologetic look before walking away. Jake, Jinxx, and CC hugged me before leaving also. I looked over at PTV and they walked inside. I walked over to the field behind all of the buses. I heard Sleeping With Sirens start playing, 'If You Can't Hang'

(A/N- I probably forgot to mention this, but I honestly LOVE Juliet Simms. So if I wrote anything that may be rude towards her, remember, it's just a fanfic! I don't mean it!

Also, I got the idea for Andy tackling Jess and Tony beating Andy up because of it from the lovely @Liveformusicbooks it was an awesome idea so I used it! (: BYE GUYS!)

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