Chapter 45

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-2 Month Time Skip-

"Guys... We have some news..." Ella said.

"What's up, butter cup?" CC said.

"Well.. I'm.. I'm pregnant!" She said with a small smile.

Now I have to tell you what happened last month.. Andy and I.. We.. We had sex.. We were drunk.. I've kinda been having bad pains. I don't know if it's because I lost my virginity or... I can't be pregnant though.. I'm positive Andy used a condom..

"Congratulations!!" I said getting up and hugging her.

"Thanks!" She said.

I walked up to Jake and hugged him.

"Congratulations!" I said smiling.

"Thanks, Jess." He said returning the smile and hug.

"I'll be back!" I said running to the garage, keys in my hand.

I got in the car and was headed for the drug store, pregnancy tests should be here..

-Skipping All That Store Shit. Back At The House-

I went inside smiled, waved, and ran upstairs. I did the test and went downstairs. After talking with everyone for a bit, I went back to the bathroom.


How am I going to tell Andy? Is he going to be mad?

Maybe I should wait to tell him..

No, I shouldn't. That will make him mad.

He's going to be ma anyway!


I went downstairs to the living room and said, "Hey, Andy. Come with me, please.." He smiled and followed me.

"What's wrong, baby?" He said confused.

"Um.. Uh.. I.. Just wanted to say I love you?" That came out more as a question..

He sat on the bed, pulling me down with him.

"You can tell me anything. I know there is something you need to tell me. It's in your eyes.." He said smirking.

"Um.. I'm.. I can't hide it, I'm pregnant.."

"I know.." He said with a smirk.

"Is it THAT noticeable?!" I say looking down at my stomach.

"Nah, babe. I didn't wear a condom.."

"Was this on purpose?!"

"Well.. No and yes!"


"No, I ran out of condoms.. Whoops.. And yes because well, a kid of our own would be nice!"

"Fuck you.." I said putting my head down.

"Well, that is how the baby was made."

"Oh my fucking god." I said throwing my pillow at him.

"You love me."

"Eh.. Not at the moment.." I whined.

He pulled my face up and kissed me.

"You love me yet?"

"Nah, not quite."

Well.. We are now making out... Goddamn.. His lips are nice..

Soon my shirt was being ripped off and there were kisses trailing down my neck.

I guess you could tell where that is going..

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