Chapter 31

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(A/N- School starts tomorrow so don't be shocked if I don't update as often! I still love you guys though! Also, thanks for 11K reads! It means a lot.❤)

I was watching the sunset and I got bored and hungry. I checked my pocket and realized I had $62 with me. How the hell did I get that? Then my phone rang again. I looked at it and it was Ashley.

J- What

A- Well someone's in a bad mood. Get your ass to the bus. We're about to leave this venue.

J- Leave without me. It's simple.

A- We aren't doing that. And how the hell do you know where you are? We're in England.

J- Talent. Now go tour with your band and leave me out of this.

A- Jess...

J- No.

A- I'm going to find you I hope you know.

J- Yep. Whatever.

A- Where are you Jess?!

J- England.

A- Not a smart-ass answer. We're leaving in 29 minutes.

J- Good. I'll be out of your lives forever. Forget about me. I'm not worth your time.

-Call Ended-

I put my phone down and got up. I'm finding a store.. I started following my foot prints in the sand back to the streets.


Once I got near the store, I noticed a bus sitting there. The BVB bus. Oh shit. I was already by the bus. Then the door to the bus opened. It was Andy. Of course. Out of all of them, it just had to be Andy..

I ran into the store and Andy just looked at me and ran in the store also. I was thinking and I went into the stores beer freezer..... This is fucking cold. Then the door opened.

"Jessie. I seen you run in here. You're going with us weather you like it or not. Once we get back to America you can escape anytime you fucking please." Andy said.

I walked out of the beer freezer and out of the store. Jinxx was outside of the bus.

"Jessie. Come on." He said walking toward me.

"No!" I yelled.

He ran to me and hugged me.

"ASHLEY! I GOT HER!" He yelled.

"Dammit..." I mumbled.

I DON'T want to go back. Ashley walked off of the bus, lifted me up, threw me over his shoulder, and walked into the bus.

"Put me the fuck down." I said.

"Okay." He said as he put me on the couch. I was about to get up and leave but Ash sat on me. Fucker.

"Get off of me." I said.

"Not until we leave the store and are back on the road."

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"Love you too Jess."

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