Chapter 28

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After the song 'If You Can't Hang' ended I went to the BVB bus. I'm going to see if Andy is okay. I walked to the BVB bus and just walked right in. Andy was on the couch laying dawn bruised up, Ashley and CC were gone, probably in the back playing the xBox, Jake and Jinxx were watching TV.

"Hey..." I said.

"I think you need to talk to Ashley." Jake said.

"Uh, why?"

"He has some things to say."

"Ugh. That's not even the reason I'm here." I muttered while walking to the back of the bus. I walked in and CC and Ash were there.

"..Hi.." I said waving.

"I am really sorry Jessie. I could tell thy you were mad. I feel bad, but Tony best up my brother. I got pissed off and wanted to kick his ass."

"It's fine. I've not been on the PTV bus yet. How much longer is Warped Tour?"

"About 2 months."


"I have to ask you something."


"What do you want for your birthday?"


"Wow. Your birthday is tomorrow..."

"It is?" I said checking my phone. "Oh.... I guess it is..."

"Well what do you want?"

"Nothing. I never really celebrate my birthday and I don't want to start."

"Come oooooon. Everyone celebrates their birthday!"

"Not me..."

"Please. We need to do something!"

"No we don't."

"You're lame."

"BYYEE!" I said running out of the bus. How is my birthday tomorrow? I'll be 18.... Holy shit..

I walked on to the PTV bus and was immediately bear hugged my Tony. It shall be called Turtle Hugged.

"I'm sorry...." Tony apologized.

"It's okay.." I said hugging him back.

"GOOD! Because I am terrible at apologies." He said.

"Haha, I'm going to my bunk."

"Okay." They all said.

I got in my bunk and pulled the curtain closed. Theeeeeen my phone rang.... I looked at it and it was Andy.. IGNORE.

-2 Minutes Later-

My phone rang again, Andy.. Ignore once again.

-5 Minutes Later-

My phone rang AGAIN. What the hell does he want? I answered it...

J- What?

A- You ignored my calls.

J- Yeah, so?

A- I'm sorry...

J- If I forgive you will you stop apologizing?

A- Yes..

J- You're forgiven.

A- YAY. Also, I broke up with Juliet because I felt bad....

J- It's fine. Date Juliet. I don't care..

A- No.. I want to be with you..

J- I don't know..

A- Please..

J- Andy, I don't fucking know.

-Call Ended-

Ugh... Why me? I'm going to the SWS bus. They're cool people.. I got out of my bunk and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Vic asked.

"Sleeping With Sirens bus."

"Oh, cool. Have fun!"


I said as I walked off of the bus. I was walking away from the PTV bus and to the SWS bus. I was hugged from behind and I got startled so I hit their face.

"Ow, goddammit." Andy muttered..


"It's fine!" He said hugging me. "Where are you going?"

"Sleeping With Sirens bus."

"Oh... Cool.. Want to hang out with me instead?"


We started walking and then we stopped and looked around.

"Do you know where we are?"

"I think.."

"Well okay then."

Andy looked at his phone and sighed,

"We need to get back. Pierce the Veil starts the set soon and then Black Veil Brides goes on. You will be there, right?"

"Of course." I smiled.

"There's that smile I missed." He said smiling back.

Andy's P.O.V

I truly missed her smile. She did something unexpected, she leaned in and kissed me.. NOT COMPLAINING. I was still kind of shocked.. I started kissing her back. Wow... Her lips are soft.. Does this mean she wants to be my girlfriend again? I hope so.... All while thinking this we were still kissing. She pulled away.. Damn..

"Uh, sorry.." She said blushing a bit.

"Um.. Yeah, it's okay.. We should get back.." I said awkwardly..

"Yeah.. We should.."

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