Chapter 32

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(A/N- School was terrible. Enough said. Enjoy the chapter.)

He has been sitting on me for 5 minutes and then Andy walked on the bus. 17 minutes later, the bus started up... Why do I always end up on the bus? Ashley got up and sat next to me.

"Now, aren't you glad you're on the bus?" Ash asked.

"Hell no. Fuck this stupid bus." I said. Sure, it sounded childish. I didn't care. I was pissed off. They should've expected this.

"One time," CC started. Here we go... "Ashley was drunk and actually tried to fuck the bus!" CC said laughing.

"You promised you wouldn't tell!!" Ash said.

I got up, walked to my bunk, unpacked my shit, and laid down. I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram. 254 comments, 867 likes, 103 new followers, I was tagged in 19 pictures, and I had 2 DMs (Direct Messages.) I checked the DMs and it was from fans with fan-art they wanted me to show the guys. I posted a picture I had of the guys and I when I had met them before I was adopted, I had went to MANY of their concerts and meet & greets before.

I captioned the picture and posted it.


I remember when I met the guys for the first time. I was 13. Now 17. Ah, the days when I was somewhat happy.

I posted that and decided to go on Twitter. I'm bored. I'm gonna do a Q&A.


Hey guys! Not in the greatest of moods but I'm bored. Q&A? Send me questions<3

After posting that, I instantly got replies.


@JessiePitts What's your favorite animal?


@Pierce_The_Sleeping_Veil Dogs! They're so adorable!


@JessiePitts Do you like Blood On The Dance Floor?


@HowBoutBands Of course! They're my best friends!<3


@JessiePitts What state were you born in?


@PurdysBiitchh Originally Tennessee, but I moved to Texas when I was 9 months old.


@JessiePitts Not a question but, Jayy and I miss you!


@BotdfMusic I miss you guys too!




@JakePittsBVB That's nice. Hell no.


@JessiePitts You shouldn't treat Jake like that.


@AndyBVB Go to hell.


@JessiePitts I wish you would.

Well, Andy ruined it. No more Q&A... Now I'm even more bored. Gee thanks, asshole.

I poked my head out of the bunk and seen Andy walking in.

"Ew.." I mumbled.

Had to admit, Andy was hot. But uh, no. He can go fuck himself in a goddamn ditch.

"Shut the fuck up." Andy said. He must've heard me say 'ew'.

"I'm waiting for the day when you finally do." I replied.

"Can we make a deal to not talk to each other?!" He asked.

"Haha, as soon as you make a deal to stay the fuck away from me."


"Good. Get the fuck away, peasant."


"Go. Away. Now."

He walked out of the bunk room while mumbling things. I'm texting Dahvie.

J- Hey! I miss you!!

D- I miss you too, stranger! Also, I heard you tried to escape BVB? What's wrong?

J- Oh, uh, nothing.

D- Don't lie..

J- Andy. I got tired of his shit, we screamed at each other, I left, I ended up going to the store and BVB happened to be there. Andy talked to me, blah blah blah, Ash sat on me because he carried me in the bus, the bus started moving. I'm trapped. Help me..

D- I wish I could but you're not even in America.

J- I can be...

D- How?

J- Planes, dumbass.

D- You'd go alone?

J- Only if it means escaping this bullshit. What state are you in?

D- Ohio. We stay here for two days and then we leave. If you go to the airport now and head for Ohio, we'll still be here and you can tour with us.

J- You'd let me do that?

D- Yes! Jess, you're like my sister! Of course I would!

J- Thanks Dahvie<3

D- You're welcome!<3

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