Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

Jessie's P.O.V

Well... I have nothing to do. Okay, I have a lot of things to do, I just don't feel like doing anything. Well there is one thing. Time to go somewhere and cause trouble. The orphanage. I'm gonna beat Emily's face in for the hell of it. Jake will not be proud of me, but hey, WORTH IT!

I got dressed in a white SS shirt, black shorts, and white converse. (Black and white are my favorite colors..) I brushed and straightened my hair, then put a white beanie on.

"I'll be back later." I said.

"Okay. Where are you going?" Jake asked.

"The orphanage." I said.

"Why exactly are you going to the orphanage..?" He asked.

"Pay a 'friend' a visit." I replied.

"Ah, okay. Have fun." He said.

"Haha, always." I said walking out.


I got to the orphanage. This outta be fun. I walked in and just walked towards the stairs.

"Jessie, you're back. I knew it wouldn't be long." The social worker said.

"Haha, I'll let you think that..." I said.

And with that I walked up to Emily's room and opened the door.

"So Emily....." I said.

"Haha, the emo faggot is back. I knew it wouldn't be long... Now get out of my room, peasant." She said.

Haha, she's asking for me to knock her teeth out. My wish is her command. I knocked about 2 teeth out. Then kept punching.. I guess you could say I got carried away....

"GET OFF OR I'M CALLING THE COPS!!" The social worker yelled.

"Go ahead bitch!" I said.

She ended up calling the cops... This is going to be hard to explain to Jake.... THEN the guys....

"Ma'am you have the right to remain silent." The officer said.

"But I reeeeaaaalllllyyy don't want to.." I said.

"Anything you say will be held against you." The officer said.

"Really? Cool! Kellin Quinn, Andy Biersack, Vic Fuentes, Mike Fuentes, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado, Austin Carlile, Oli Sy-"

"Ma'am could you please be quiet or I WILL take you to jail?" The officer asked.

"Depends, if I be quiet can I go home?" I asked.

"No promises." The officer answered.

"Then no promises on me being quiet." I said.


"You seem to have no jail records in the system. You're free to go. And you're banned from the orphanage." The officer said.

"Haha, okay. Bye!" I said walking away.

Time to go home and NEVER speak of this again.

(A/N- Haha, do you think Jake, or possibly any of the guys, will find out?)

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