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So yesterday my friend and I were walking on a back road at night (AT NIIIGHT *says in Spongebob Voice*) and someone pulled up beside us and rolled down there window and I thought we were gonna get kidnapped. Turned out its a goddamn cop. HE WANTED TO ASK US A QUESTION. AN UNSERIOUS QUESTION. LIKE, NO. YOU DON'T DO THAT SHIT. Uh, anyway on the back road there were woods and the cop was all like, "You do know that boogeyman is out here, don't ya?" I started laughing my ass off and said yes. (WHEN AND DOUBT SAY YES BITCHES. OKAY, NOT ALL THE TIME. DO NOT SAY YES ALL THE TIME. IF YOU DO, UH..... CONDOMS AND BIRTH CONTROL ARE THE KEY WORDS..) and he laughed and told us to have a good night and slowly drove away...... MOVIN STALKER STYLE. K, I just figured I'd share that with you........

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