Chapter 37

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I ran to the BVB bus, of course, it was still just Andy. He gave me the 'Why the fuck are your inning?' look. I went to my bunk and packed EVERYTHING.

"Where are you going?" Andy asked.

"Places." I responded sarcastically.

"Does Jake know?"


"Will he?"

"Possibly. Depends if he gets here soon..."

I ran to my laptop and turned it on. It loaded and once it loaded I went to Google Chrome. I went to a plane ticket website and looked at the tickets. I read that I could just get the tickets at the airport. Well that makes things easier.

"Are we staying in this town tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I'm going to Florida."


".. Reasons.."

I put almost everything in my suitcase. I had my stuff packed besides my laptop. I checked the tickets I was looking into, $30 each. I have enough money. The plane leaves at 7:30PM. It's now 6:19PM. I have some time. I called Damon.

D- Hello?

J- Hey, do you have your shit packed? The plane leaves at 7:30.

D- Yeah. I was just about to call you and ask, haha.

J- Alright, so, when should we leave?

D- Uh.... How far away is the airport?

J- Um... About 10 minutes from here.

D- Then lets leave at 7:00.

J- Okay. I'm gonna go.

D- K, bye.

-Call Ended-

"So you're just gonna leave?" Andy asked. He actually looked sad. What the fuck?

"Yeah. After I leave Florida, I'm going home. No use in staying here. How much longer until tours over?" I asked.

"Tour ends in 3 days."

"Alright. The day of the.... Never mind... you guys would be coming home anyway."

"Why are you going to Florida?"

"Do I have to tell you? I thought you hated me....."

"1, I don't hate you, I got pissed off and over reacted.

2, Yes, you have to tell me."

"Fine, my 'mom' died."

"Why are you going?"

"So I can see her one last time and to tell her to rot in hell,"

"Well aren't you just the greatest daughter ever?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"I'm sorry by the way........."

"It's okay," I said hugging him.

"Haha, good." I could just hear the smile in his voice.

After we stopped hugging, I checked the time. 6:58. It's been that long already? Whaaaaat.....

"I gotta go..." I said.

"Okay, text me."

"Okay." We hugged and the door opened. Jake, Jinxx, CC, and Ash walked in.

"Am I crazy or did you guys just hug?" Jake asked.

"Both....." I said.

"I gotta go guys!"

"Where are you going?" Jake asked.

"My 'moms' funeral. The day of the funeral, Tuesday, you guys will be back at home, or on your way. I need to go, Damon is going with me."

"Alright, be careful. I love you Jess." He said hugging me.

"Love you too."

I grabbed my things, walked to the living room, and said my goodbyes. I'm going to the YouTubers bus, that's taking us to the airport.

-Skipping Drive-

We got to the airport and sat down.

Not even 5 minutes later, we got on the plane. I texted the guys in a group chat.

Je- Hey guys! Just got on the plane<3

Ja- Damon hasn't done anything has he?

Je- Calm yourself dad, he hasn't, and won't!

Ja- He better not..


Je- Andy, you know I hate planes. I'm entertaining myself so I don't freak out..

As- Would you stop texting me? I am trying to see how many beers it takes until I'm wasted.

Je- Don't you guys have a concert tonight?

As- Possibly.... BYE.

Ji- Now we know where Ashley went..

C- I was looking for him! I want to join the fun!


As- You know you wanna join the fun...


Je- Well this is interesting. I'm gonna take a nap...

Ja- Bye!


Je- Thanks to Andy, I'm paranoid.

Ji- Goodnight!

As- Don't drink!

Je- I won't...


I put my phone down and went into the amazing place called 'dream land'..<3

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