Chapter 15

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Jessie's P.O.V

Holy shit... First, Jake adopted me...
Second, I made the 4 most awesomest best friends EVER.
Third, I'm dating 1 of my best friends.... Holy shit.... Best life ever....

"What are you thinking about?" Andy asked.

"Nothing really..."


-Skipping Drive-

Just as we walked in CC came running up to us.

"GUYS GUESS WHAT?!?!" He asked excitedly.

"Well.... The house is not on fire. That's good."


"AWESOME!" I yelled.


"Four days, short notice. Get packing!!!"

-Four Days Later-

The past four days have been boring.. We had to get up early..... Fuckers..... And now we're heading to the airport. I hate planes.... They're my biggest fear.... If I were meant to fly I'd have fucking wings....

Today I was dressed in an Andy Black shirt, with the words, 'They Don't Need To Understand' on the front. I got it from Hottopic. Then black skinny jeans, skinny jeans are love, skinny jeans are life. It's raining.... I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO RIDE PLANES IN RAIN GODDAMMIT. Whatever..... I just hope we don't die.

"GUYS COME ON! WE GOTTA HEAD OUT!" I heard Ashley yell. Andy already got my bags, I got in my leather jacket that Andy had bought me yesterday, then we headed out.

-Skipping Drive-

We just got to the airport... Haha........ Yay...... *Sarcasm*


After waiting for about 10 minutes our flight was called. We have to go through a metal detector...

"Sir, it might start beeping if I go through..." I said.

"Why? What weapons do you have on you."

"No weapons... I'M JUST METAL AS FUCK."

"..... Just go through.."

"Well fuck you too..." I mumbled.

The guys found it funny......

After everyone went through, we got to the plane..

Now we're being seated. I HATE PLANES. They're too small and there's little kids.... Ew....

I was sitting with Andy, Ashley with CC, and Jake with Jinxx. I looked over and Andy was smiling at me.

"I'm tired.." I said.

"Go to sleep..." He said wrapping an arm around me.

Everyone was panicking. I didn't know what was going on.. Things were flying across the plane..

"Everyone just remain calm! I promise everythi- AHHHH!!!" The flight attendant started saying but ended up screaming because the planes engine went bad in mid are and nobody could control it and it was falling out of the sky...

The plane it.... was falling.. Oh shit.. I looked over at Andy and he was holding onto me protectively. The guys were now sitting by us, if not on us, and then all you seen was bodies flying across the plane until it all stopped. Everything... The screaming and moving... It stopped. Somehow I was not panicking.. It's like I was too scared to panic.. Then it happened.. The plain crashed into the ground.. Everyone was flying and you heard the screaming again.. After 2 minutes it had died down.. Then I realized, nobody was around me. Andy was no longer holding onto me... Wh- no... No... NO. I looked all around until I found all of the guys.... Once I found them.... They were dead... I was the only survivor. No, this cou- it all stopped....

"Jessie! Wake up! It was just a dream!"

"Oh my god... You're all alive!" I said hugging Andy.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we have been?"

Then I explained the dream to them. It felt so real..

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