Chapter 22

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Andy's P.O.V

I did it.. I slept with someone while I was dating Jessie. I slept with Juliet Simms, she's in the band Automatic LoveLetter.. I feel terrible.. I did it when everyone else was asleep.. It turned out Juliet and her band where also in England and.. I went to visit her.. We ended up making out.. One thing led to another and.. It happened.. I don't know how I'm going to tell Jessie. She probably hates me..

Jessie's P.O.V

I finally stopped crying and decided to call Andy.

A- Um.. Jessie.. Look, I'm so sorry.

J- Sorry isn't enough. What the fuck is up with you?

Yeah, he got me pissed off also.

A- Let me explain...............

J- I'm waiting..

A- I slept with Juliet Simms..


A- I'm sorry!

J- Fuck you.

-Call Ended-

How could he do that.. Then it hit me. This is Warped Tour.. There's people everywhere. I'm getting off of the bus and walking around. I got dressed in a black and white 'Metallica' shirt, black shorts, black Vans, and a black beanie. I just realized I forgot to brush and straighten my hair..


I brushed and straightened my hair then put my black beanie on. I walked off of the bus and went to the YouTubers tent. I walked over and Damon Fizzy was standing there. Damn, he's hotter in person.. He was signing something then turned to me.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" He said smiling.

"Hey! I'm Jessie. It's lovely to meet you also!" I said hugging him.

"Would you lik- I seriously just realized who you are. You're Jakes adopted daughter!"

"Haha... Yeeeaaahhh.."

"How are you and Andy doing?"

Dammit. He just had to ask about that.

"Um.. We.. We aren't together anymore.."

"Oh, I'm sorry I asked.."

"No no.. It's okay!" I said fake smiling.

"Need to talk about it?"

"Yeah.." I said on the verge of tears.

"Let's go." He said smiling and taking me to the YouTubers tour bus.

"EVERYBODY OFF!" He yelled.

"Whhhhhy?" Johnnie and Jason grunted.


"Whhhhhhy?" They grunted again.

"Do I have to make you leave? I need to talk to a friend."

"Fine." Jason said running of the bus.

"Okay......" Johnnie said running off also.

We had just sat down and were about to talk when Bryan walked out of the bathroom. There are people EVERYWHERE.

"Hey! It's Jessie! How are you and And-" Bryan started.

"SHUT UP!" Damon yelled.


"I want to talk about....... Doughnuts alone with Jessie..........."


"Uh.. Yeah.. Just go.. It's private doughnut stuff."

"... Okay then..." Bryan said walking off.

"Nice save.." I said to Damon.

"Yeah. I've practiced."


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