Chapter 30

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Damon's P.O.V

I ran away from Jessie and towards the PTV bus. I knocked on the door and, luckily, Tony answered.

"Hello- Oh, hey Damon!" He said smiling.

"Hey Tony, you alone?"

"Yeah, come on in!"

I walked in and we sat down.

"So... Who do ya like Mr. Turtle?"

"...... I can't say.."

"And why's that?"

"I REALLY like this girl named Erin. She's so beautiful and nice.."

Oh... Jessie was right... I can hear it now, 'I told you so'

"Oh, good for you man! I hope you get her!"

"Haha, me too! I'm thinking about asking her out later!"

"Wow, good luck! I gotta go."

"Okay. Bye Damon!"

I walked off of the bus and towards where Jessie was. She was giving me the death glare. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"What'd he say?" She asked, still glaring at me.

"Well... He likes this chick named Erin."

"I TOLD YOU SO!" She yelled. "I'm forever alone, I honestly don't have a problem with being single. Crushes are crushes. Now, I'm packing and going to the BVB bus." She said as she walked away.

Jessie's P.O.V

I ran to the PTV bus and went to the bunks.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Tony asked walking up to me.

"Going back to the BVB bus,"

"Oh.... Need help packing?"

"Nah, I don't have much stuff."

"Okay." He said walking away. "BYE JESSIE!" He yelled as he ran out of the bus, of yeah, the concert.


After about 20 minutes I was done packing. I started walking over to the BVB bus. This parking lot is packed with busses... Aha, I finally found the BVB bus. I walked on and Andy was glaring at me.

"Calm your tits." I said as he was about to say something.

I walked to the bunk area and threw my shit into my old bunk and went out to the living room.

"What are you doing?" Andy said.

"If it isn't obvious enough, I'm sitting here answering stupid questions."

"Not what I fucking meant."

"That's nice, if you want an actual answer call 1-800-NotGonnaHappen"

He got up and stormed away to the bunks. I reeaallyy want to go home. NOW.

I was sitting on the couch day-dreaming about SWS when Andy came out from his cave, *cough*cough* his bunk.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be on the PTV bus?!"

"When is this any of your goddamn business?"

"SINCE I'M ON THIS BUS WITH MY FUCKING BAND!" While he was screaming at me he got really close to me and clenched his fist.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!" I screamed at him. He unclenched his fist and then smacked me really hard on the cheek.

"YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" I yelled kicking him REALLY hard where the sun don't shine. My face is fucking stinging.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" He screamed.


There was a silence until he spoke.

"You're here. I hate it."

"I won't be here anymore. I won't be anywhere." I said as I ran off of the bus. There was a lot of people, not one of them called for me to come back. At least I won't be missed.

I ran and ran until I came up to a beach. No one was there, it was just me. I'm alone.... All alone, no houses or people in sight... I sat down in the sand and started digging my nails into my leg. I loved how it made interesting little marks from my nails. Oh, look, there's blood... How interesting.. I dug my nails to far deep into my leg.. I feel no pain.

I was sitting there for what seemed like hours just watching the waves. My phone hasn't rung once. Then it started to ring. It was Vic.

J- Hello?

V- Where are you?

-Call Ended-

I hung up.. I can't tell him where I am.. He'd bring me back like last time. I don't want to go back. I can't.. I can't go back. I don't belong there. I don't belong anywhere. I got up and started walking and I started to see houses come into view so I turned back around and went back to where I was. The sun was starting to set. Great.. Alone in the dark.. How fucking awesome..

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