Chapter 24

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-1 Hour Later-

"I'm sorry, but I should get back to the bus.."

"Oh, it's alright. It was awesome talking to you!"

"It was awesome talking to you also!" I said hugging him.

I walked off of the bus and headed for the BVB bus. Fun.... *Note The Sarcasm*

-At The Bus-

I walked in and of course Andy was sitting there..

"Look, Je-"



"No. Just leave me alone.."

I walked to my bunk and just laid down. I kind of want to still be with An- No. No. No. No. No. I do NOT want to be with Andy.. He slept with Juliet. He can date her. I don't need him.

Andy's P.O.V

I need to talk to Juliet. Maybe I can convince her that it meant nothing. Who am I kidding. It meant a lot. I didn't want to hurt Jessie but...... Juliet is.. So.. So.. Perfect. Wait, so is Jessie! Why am I comparing them? I want to be with Juliet AND Jessie. But Jessie hates me and Juliet doesn't hate me... Well.. I know how to solve this. Be with Juliet. Maybe Jessie will forget that we ever had anything.

Vic's P.O.V

I got a call from Jake saying that Jessie needs to hang out with someone while they perform. I walked to their bus and knocked. Jessie answered. It was obvious that she was crying. She seem me and kind of cheered up a little bit.

Jessie's P.O.V

I was crying because I didn't know what to do. Then there was a knock on the door. Can't whoever it is fucking leave? The guys had left 5 minutes ago. I walked over to the door and answered it. I kind of looked down at first and then looked up.. Holy shit.. It's Vic Fuentes.. I instantly cheered up a little bit.

"H-hi.." I stuttered. Not because it was Vic, just because I had been crying.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah.." I said stepping aside so he can walk in.

"Come on Jess. Don't lie to me... Are you ok?" He said walking in.

"I-I'm fine..."

"No you're not." He said hugging me.

"I know.." I said bursting into tears.

"Sh.. It will be okay.." He whispered in my ear.

"No. It won't. I want to forgive Andy and I CAN'T."

"It will be okay, I'm promise. Let it go for a couple days, then try to talk to him."

"I can not even look at him without crying though!"

"Sh.... It will be okay..

"What ever you say.."

Vic's P.O.V

She ended up crying herself to sleep in my arms. How could Andy do that to her? Her personality seems so sweet and happy, but on the outside she's sad and broken..

The guys came in and they were loud.

"Guys shut up!" I whisper/yelled.

"Sorry..." Jinxx said.

"Why is she in your arms?!" Andy asked obviously angry.

"That's not the fucking point. Why did you do that to her?!"

"I... I don't know.."

"When you know you come tell me. I'm taking her with me."

"Only for a night. Tomorrow at the next venue she comes to this bus.." Jake said.

"I know." I said lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to the PTV bus.

"Hey Vic!" Jaime yelled.


"Wh- Oh..."

I walked to the bunks and out her in the spare bunk.

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