Chapter- 2

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Lately she has been the only thing on my mind. I can't concentrate on anything. She has consumed my whole mind and body. She has the leash of my devil. He is completely in her control and she doesn't even know it. She keeps him at bay, doesn't let him control me.
         Everything about her enchants me. She enchants me. When she smiles her eyes sparkle like pearls in ocean. Her blush is like a dust of red rose on her cheeks. I drown myself everytime I look in her mauve grey eyes. The kind of shade which will remind you of lavender drying in an autumn season. Her skin reminds me of winter's snow. Her soft red lips look like god— if he exists — himself took time to draw them to perfection. She seduces me without even knowing it. She draws me in and forces me to become a better person.
The day I saw her I knew she was it for me...... for us. I lost my control for the first time when I saw those little shits bullying my Rose Red. Ever since that day I vowed to protect her from everyone and everything.

What I didn't know at that time was that I was going to fail her.

Sighing I thought about how tomorrow she is going to leave me. The thought of her leaving infuriates me and my beast. We want to wreck everything; destroy whoever comes between us. She calms us. And I know that once she leaves us I will be ten times worse the person I am today.
       But she won't be away from us for long. I will have her back. I am too selfish to let her go, albeit I know I should for my soul is as dark as night and will also taint hers. She is like my personal brand of drug; a special one which only I can have nobody else. One dose of hers makes me high. 

Suddenly, the sound of my phone ringing breaks me out of my thoughts. I picked up the call and checked the caller ID.

"Yes Adrian." I snapped. Adrian is my best friend and my business partner. We build the company together and now hold the position of CEO. He looks in other branches of my company. We both are known to be cruel and ruthless, we won't have it any other way. We share everything and by everything I also mean women, which means Myra is also ours but she doesn't know it and she doesn't need to.... yet. Not that I am afraid of her rejection as she doesn't have any other choice other than staying with us.

"Boss, we found the person who has been giving the information to the Alexanders. His name is Nate." He informed me. He sometimes calls me boss even if he is my equal.

My lips formed into an evil smile.

It is time to show everyone that the devil is back.

"Good, lock him in the cell. I'll be there tomorrow." I tell him with an evil smirk on my face. Finally, after so long I will be able to fill my lust for blood.

"Ok boss."

Its about time I get back in my game. Now with my angel gone I'll be in full control of my pawns.

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