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Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time either makes you or breaks you. It all depends on you and the people you are acquainted with. Like, I break people; strip off their identity until there is nothing left of them.... and till date their has been only one person whom I almost succeeded in breaking but at the end failed because of the softness I showed to her.

She was my obsession, my most priced possession whom I wanted to chain forever with me. Just like Rapunzel I wanted to lock her in an isolated tower and hide her timeless beauty from the world.

My Myra.

My darkest obsession. My first and last love. She was mine till her last breath.

My little one was extremely precious to me. I would have cherished her for the rest of our lives but I just wanted to break her and then build her again the way I desired. I wanted to make her my slave before treating her like a queen.

First I wanted to instill fear in her so that she couldn't defy me. She would have learned to respect me by now had I not ordered my men to kill her. But even getting killed was her own fault for she started hanging out with that trash male friend of hers in college when I clearly ordered her not to.
       Even after resisting my orders I gave her a second chance to break all ties with him but she continued doing it and that's why I had to teach her lesson which I did by wiping the existence of the trash from the world.

After that— I don't know from where— my little subservient girl got her wings because she started defying me at every step. She even kissed a boy in the club like a freaking slut. After that I knew that I had to do something about it so I ordered my men to kill and dump her body somewhere, because if I can't have her then no one in this world can. Post that incident I believed that she was dead; that she was gone from my life for good and believe it or not I had mourned her death.

It was like she had weaved some spell on me because I couldn't find any girl I could fuck without seeing her face in them; I always searched her face in every fucking girl. But they just couldn't be her. There is something mysteriously special about her that draws every male around. She just demands attention without asking for it. She has that air around that pulls you dangerously the way sirens lure the sailors to their doom. You just can't ignore it even if you want to.
       So I gave up— because finding that enigmatic pull was impossible— and instead started getting escorts from Madame Flora, who looked like or even resembled her. Platinum blonde hair that cascaded down her back in shiny waves and those deep soulful mauve grey eyes which were full of life before I got her in my clutches and sucked all her warmth and life.

Now seeing her alive in this club with two enemies of mine, I am having mixed emotions. I am elated at seeing her alive but at the same time I am extremely angry because seeing her alive is proving my failure. I hate failure for becoming who I am is a not easy.

Not everyone can make their way from dust and her being alive is my greatest failure which I will rectify very soon. She will be mine one way or another and if not then I will leave no reason for her to live.
I watch like a hawk as I take sip of the whisky floating in the glass with ice in it, while she dances elegantly and seductively with emperors of underworld who are also my biggest enemies.

You must be thinking, how did I  recognize her from sitting in the dark corner of the club despite her changing her hair colour. That's because I have imprinted her each and every feature in my brain.

She will still have that goddess like body which I had once tainted and wish to taint again. But right now looking at these three I know that she means a lot more to these two assholes than a quick fuck.
     They are obsessed with her just as I am; they want her just as much as I do. The only difference between them and me is that they won't kill her. Punishing her? Yes, but killing her? A big no.

They won't kill her on seeing her with some other man, they would punish her in a way she would neither ever forget nor would she ever repeat but that guy will be tortured severely until he starts wishing for death. On the other hand I would torture both of them. The guy because he dared to touch what's mine and her because she let some other person touch my property and to show my ownership over her.

My eyes darken as I see Myra kissing one of them. My knuckles turn white as my grip on the glass of whiskey tightens. She encircles her arms around him as his one hand wraps around her waist possessively while the other one goes in her hair. My blood is boiling at their blatant public display of affection. My jaw tightens and my eyes start seeing red. I want to do something but can't because I can't reveal myself... yet.
Eventually a smirk slides on my face as I realise that I have found the lone weakness of the invincible pair. I can play the keys of the game as I have finally found their Achilles' heel. I can hit the three birds with one arrow. I lean back as the anger slowly leaves my body and relax on the chair as I plan my next moves.

Soon you'll be mine little girl and this time you will have nowhere to go because I'll break you worse than before.

Let the games begin.

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