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I woke up to the most amazing smell. I check the time and see that it's only 6:00 in the morning. Who is cooking early this morning? I walk in the kitchen and see that Hera is cooking red sauce pasta for breakfast.

"Hera? Cooking? From where did the sun rise today?" I mock her.

"Yeah... whatever. Don't get your hopes up. You are not going to see this amazing sight every morning." She scoffs and I know that is true because she can't wake up on time even if her life is dependent on it which is why she is usually running for office. It is also the reason that we only have dinner together..... which of course is made by her because of my lack of cooking skills.

"By the way a little birdie told me that Miss. Myra Praks decided to have a little fun last night in a club with Lily instead of her best friend. Hence, the reason of her coming home late. So, me being the kind best friend that I am thought that I should cook breakfast for my uptight friend since she finally decided to have some fun even if she ditched me." She said with a sardonic smile making me roll my eyes.

"You were working late yesterday and I was extremely bored so, I called Lily and she told me that she was going to hit a club. Thus, I went with her to the club and met this guy whose name I don't remember anymore. By the way who told you that I had fun last night?" I asked my eyes narrowed.

"What!! His dick was that small??!!" She exclaimed making me crack up in laughter. Her expressions were ridiculous. Trust her to always act like a drama queen.

"No moron." I said as I tried to control my laughter.

"Dammit..... then he fucked you hard and left you hanging, like without any orgasm. Those kind are complete douchebags." She huffed, completely serious.

"Yeah something like that." I said.

"Aww... sweetheart, I totally feel for you because I had my share of those assholes." She said sympathetically. I rolled my eyes internally.

"Whatever, I don't need your sympathy. I swear to god I'll never try to have random sex now. " I exclaimed loudly.

"C'mon, don't give up because of one bad experience." She said as she served the pasta. "Anyways, other than him being a bad fuck. Tell me was he good looking?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah, he was hot... like extremely hot." I said.

After that our conversation steered to more mundane topics.

There was a nagging voice in my head that was saying that I was forgetting something. But what? I was frowning when I remembered.

"Oh! Hera I forgot to tell you. Our company has been bought by Zaire Enterprises." I informed her and she gapes in shock. Okaayy....

"OMG! Dammit Myra! Now you have to be extra careful with your work you know because he seriously fires his employees with a snap of his fingers. Trust me, he fires people more than he hires. One mistake, even a tiny one will result you in meeting with him and then you are WHOOSH!... gone." She says dramatically flailing her hands around as she tried to explain. "You have to like work upto his standards or you are fucked. He expects nothing less than perfection." She ranted and I looked at her in confusion and she understood my silent question for she nodded.

"Yeah, I work in his company. I handle the accounts work. Since I am the head of that department, most of the pressure is on my shoulders which trust me is a big headache. So trust me when I say that he is an absolute asshole during work hours." She informed me. I nodded then got up from the seat to get dressed up for office.
It is 12:00pm and I am still working my ass off. I hear a knock at my door and groan inwardly because I am already deep in my work and I don't want any interruptions. So, I don't answer hoping that whosoever he or she is will get the message and leave me the fuck alone, but again I hear that annoying sound of knocking on my door.

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