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Next day I woke up to an empty bed. I sat up and winced a little as my behind was still hurting a bit due to the harsh spanking Derek gave me yesterday. It wasn't something that I can't handle. In fact last night was not even a scratch of what I can endure but it has been five years since I came across any physical pain.

Last night when Derek chained my legs I had freaked out because the images of my past started playing in my head. Those horrible images of me tied up and blood dripping down my back, that helpless feeling, it was too much for me. I even considered backing out and saying the safe word but when I felt his touch and his soothing words, I reminded myself that this not for me, this is for us. If I want to move on from my past, I had to do this. But I also feared the day I had to tell him everything. I feared his expression. Will it be disgust? Will he blame me for my parents death? I don't know and that made me scared.
         The unbeknown terrified me because I knew that I will not be able to take it if he started hating me after knowing the truth.

Sound of the door shutting broke me out of my pessimistic thoughts. I looked up to see Derek coming out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around him.

The sight before me made my mouth dry. All thoughts rushed out of my mind as I looked at his half naked wet body. He looked hotter than a Greek god with water droplets sticking on his torso, chest and rippled stomach and towel drying his hair with other towel. Those droplets looked like little diamonds wrapped around his body. I wanted to lick them slowly from his body while savouring the taste of his skin.

"Enjoying the view Miss. Praks?" His voice broke me out from my scabrous cerebration. I blinked and looked  up at him to see a smirk plastered on his face. I raise my eyebrows at him. He can't expect me to not have dirty thoughts when he was looking like this.

"Always Mr. Derek." I say with a smirk of my own. "After all the owner of the body is mine." I say half teasing and half serious. He slowly strides towards me till he reaches the end of the bed.

"Yes he is," he says in a hoarse voice. "But he is the owner of this body as well." He says as he grabs my ankles and drags me toward him.

My legs were wrapped around his towel clad waist, my palms flat on the bed as they kept my body upright with him leaning over me.

"This." He says as he gently grabs my breast. "And this." My gaze follows the movement of his hand while his gaze never falters from my face. He slides his hand down on my pussy and I gasp as his fingers come in contact with my clit. "And this." He circles his fingers on the rim of my vagina then proceeds his journey to my hips. He squeezes them together. "And this." Then he pulls them apart and slides his finger between the partition line till he reaches the rim of my asshole. He pushes the tip of his index finger inside and I immediately tense around it. "Is his. These are all his." He stated making me inhale a sharp breath as my pussy clenched at his words. But his words of possessiveness transported me back to my past. When he used to manhandle and used to state how I was his and only his and he would mutilate any part of some other man's body, if it touched me.

I looked up to see Derek looking down at me with a solicitous and aggrieved expression. Derek didn't know what happened with me and not knowing angered him because it meant not being the one in control and from the past days I have spent here I have learnt one thing that Derek Zaire thrived off of being in control and being the reason of people's fears, because I have seen how people bow down in front of him and the satisfaction in his eyes when he sees them bowing down in front of him whether it was in respect or fear, he didn't care as long as they did it.

He was so much like the monster from my past yet so much different from him. His jaw was still clenched in anger while his eyes held completely different emotions. His eyes expressed solicitous and aggrieved emotion but the emotion that stood out was the hunger for revenge. His need to take revenge for me and he didn't even know what happened to me. I wonder what will happen once he comes to know about it.

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