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I looked up to see my mother's beautiful face. She was beautiful not only from outside but also from inside. Right now we were in a garden and she was pushing the swing on which I was seated. I laughed whole heartedly. Mom stopped the swing just as my dad came and picked me up. He was a handsome man, with 6'1 height, jet black hair and sun kissed tanned skin, he still made the girls swoon.

"Does my princess love us?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Yes dada! Very much I love both you and mama." A four year old girl replied.

"We love you too sweetie." My parents said in unison with a gentle smile on their face. Daddy picked me up from the swing and perched me on his hip as if I was two years old. But I didn't mind, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as I hugged him. Mama stood beside daddy and cradling my head, she kissed my forehead smiling lovingly at me. I closed my eyes feeling safe in their arms. I knew as long as they were by my side nothing could harm me.

Suddenly the background changed and I was staring at the horrific scene in front of me.


There was blood all around me, my mother's mouth was opened in a silent scream. She lied naked on the floor of our drawing room blood oozing out from her private parts and their was message cut on her breast and stomach.

My hand flew to my mouth, as sobs raked their way through my body. I looked up from my mother's dead body only to see my father tied to a chair, castrated and neck sliced open. This time I couldn't hold back my screams, as I cried harder.
I shot up from my bed with sweat covering my forehead. I looked at the digital clock, on the bedside table. It read 3:00a.m. I got up from the bed and went to the washroom.
I looked at the face that stared back at me. I hated that face. That face was pure beauty there was no doubt about that but this face got her parents killed. They were dead because of her. I hated those alluring mauve grey eyes which held self-hatred at the moment, hated those jet black hair which framed her face perfectly adding more beauty to that face and those natural red lips that added a sensuous gleam to this destructive face.

I Hate Myself! Hate how this face of mine causes me more trouble than it's worth. I was aware of my beauty, knew the effect I had on men. I knew it but I hated it. I hated attention because attention was what got me in this life. A life without parents, family and friends. I have learned that beauty comes with a price. For me that price was my family.

I had only one friend who knew everything about me, about what happened to me five years ago. Actually I had two friends who knew about my past, including Hera my best friend.

Dante Warren was my first true friend who knew everything about me. He accepted me the way I am. He knew that I was dark, my soul was dark but he accepted it. In fact, he made me come out of my depression, he motivated me to move on. After that incident I was afraid of getting touched by opposite gender but because of him I came out of my phobia of getting touched. I hated the mere existence of male species because for me they were vile and cruel creatures who did not care about anyone besides themselves but Dante made me see that one should not judge everyone because of few bad people; he made me see that if there is bad in this world then there is also good in this albeit it is almost non existent because everyone in this world is a selfish. Nobody cares about anyone until and unless it benefitted them in some way.

He knew I was a sadist and a masochist; when I became that even I don't know. I only know that I love inflicting pain on others and loved having pain inflicted on myself. Twisted and crazy are the words that describe me best. He knew about it all but never did he judge me, he just supported me in everything I did. He was my everything. We were so close that people sometimes mistook us for girlfriend and boyfriend, but we never corrected them.
I scoff bitterly. But of course when everything was going well in my life fate had to take it away.

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