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I took a long shaky breath and looked the mirror. What the hell just happened?! No! This is not going to happen. If you want him to live then you won't get attached to him in any form or manner.

Derek Zaire. I thought about how handsome he looked in a tuxedo. He has always been good looking. Well, who am I kidding he was hotter than any Greek god. He looked same as he did before but now he looked more rugged with slight stubble on his face and more muscular and lean. With coal back eyes covered with thick lashes and ebony hair he exuded a dangerous and mysterious personality which made me shudder.

When I looked at him I was shocked because I didn't expect him to be at the party. When my now former boss introduced us, all the pieces finally clicked together. That day, when I woke up in a stranger's house, it was no stranger but him.
        D means Derek. He already saw me that day. But I know that no matter how many advances he makes I will have to dodge them. I know him well enough to know that if he wants something then he gets it and no one will be able stop but I also know that I'll have to be stronger than a steel, if I want him to live.

Then my thoughts went to the other guy. Adrian Cross, I've never heard of him. Sure, he was a successful businessman but I never heard of him as Derek's best friend, not even when we were friends. Though I have to admit, he was just as good looking as Derek. He had ash blonde hair, forest green eyes, short-thick eyelashes and sun kissed tan complexion. The boyish charm he exuded was even more dangerous because of the sadistic glint he always seems to carry in his eyes.
        But that underlying storm in his eyes was what made my breath hitch. Most people won't see it because it was hidden so well but I did as I've learned to see peoples' soul. It seemed that the darkness swimming in his soul wanted to swallow me alive.

It felt like his darkness was calling mine.

After awhile I came out of the bathroom expecting to see them as now I was a bit more ready to face them but I didn't see them anywhere. I approached where Matt and my other friends were. Matt saw me and smiled. I knew he had a thing for me but I made sure that I don't raise his expectations. Soon I spotted Lexie and went over to her after excusing myself. 

"Where are Mr. Zaire and Mr. Cross?" I asked Lexie.

"They left few minutes before you came out. Why?"

"Nothing, just curious." I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal but only I know how relieved I am to hear that they have left.

"So... our new CEOs gave a big announcement earlier." She made airy quotes while saying that.

I raised my brow in question, "they said that they will make someone from this company to be our head― based upon their work. He will observe all the employees for two days then he will announce the new head of the company." She said.

"Oh. Someone from this company?"

"Yeah, they said someone from this company because the employees who have worked in this company from the beginning will know about the needs of the company. That's why everyone is so excited, even that mega slut Hailey. She said and I quote,'You know I am sure that I am going to be the new boss. So, you guys better start treating me nicely because I will fire anyone who doesn't." She imitated her high pitched voice making both of us crack in a fit of laughter.

"You know I really wish that you become the head of this company. You are kind, understanding and strict with your coworkers when it comes to work. Honestly, we need someone like you to be our boss, someone who doesn't take shit from anyone but who also is not a complete asshole." She smiled at me and I chuckled a little at the choice of her words. I don't care much about becoming the head of this company because I am really happy with my position right now and just want to see it grow further.

I look at my watch, see that it's quarter to twelve and decide that it is time to leave.

I bid my farewell and leave.
I ring the doorbell and Hera opens it. She hugs me and moves aside so that I can come in.

"So, how was it?" She asks me. I sit on my sofa and sigh.

"Derek is back." I simply say that and her eyes turn as big as saucers and she gapes at me.

"Which one?" She asks after recovering from the shock.

"Derek Zaire, CEO of Zaire Enterprises." I sigh.

"Oh My Effing God! Derek Zaire is Derek with whom you are unconditionally and irrevocably in love with!" She shrieks making me wince. God! Sometimes she can be worse than Hailey.

"God! Hera will you tone it down a bit?" I complain. As usual she completely ignores it making me roll my eyes. 

She sighs dreamily. "Isn't it romantic, two starcrossed lovers finally finding each other once again. I wish I had that fairytale."

"My life is no fairytale Hera. Secondly, Derek and I cannot happen. At least not in this lifetime." I say emphatically.

"If you don't mind me asking then can I ask why do you not want to get close to him, if you love him?" She asks frowning.

"Hera I'm not good for him. I don't want him to die that's why I don't want to get close to him. Everyone who I have ever loved have died. He'll die which will kill me. I won't be able to handle any more deaths." I say. I can't be that selfish. My love for him is never ending and I know someday he will die if I pursue my relationship with him.

"I didn't die." She states then sighs. "Myra admit it that you don't want to get close to him because you want to protect your heart from getting broken once again. You are afraid that he will turn into him. You are afraid to take a risk." She says, glaring at me. I look at her with a I- don't- know- what- you're- saying expression. She only raises an eyebrow in response. After a few minutes of our staring contest I give in. I hate it that she knows me so well.

"It is not the entire reason but a part of it." I admit.

"All I am saying is that if he continues to pursue you like you are the last person alive on the earth then don't blow up this chance which could be your happy ending. You deserve everything good in this world." She says as she puts a hand on my shoulder then gets up to go in her room. I sigh she knows exactly when to hit the nerve.

I get up from the sofa and go to my room. I just wear an oversized T-shirt and lay on my bed. I think about today's events and how much my life is about to change now that Derek is back in it with the sole purpose of taking me back. But I can't and won't give into him.

Forever does not last. It is just a sweet lie that everyone loves to believe.

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