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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the digital clock and see that its two in the morning. Who the fuck is calling at this time? I answer the call without looking at the caller ID; but when I do my whole body stills.

This can't be happening.

I want to cut the call but it is like my hands are frozen.

"You killed me Adrian. You didn't fulfill your promise. You will face the fate like mine." I hear the same familiar voice, I don't wish to hear ever again. But here I am listening to the same voice which has haunted me in my dreams. "You are a mur—" I cut the call not wanting to listen anymore and throw my phone as far as possible, as if it has burnt my skin.

This isn't true. This can't be true. Someone is fucking with my mind and when I find that person, he or in this case she will wish that she hadn't crossed me.
I crawl towards the far end of the king sized bed where my phone is lying. I pick the phone up and open the call logs but just my luck, this is number is private. Knowing that sleep won't invade my senses anytime soon, I get up and walk out of the room to gym which is at the top floor. I start doing push ups while her memories keep replaying in my head like a video. God how I wish I hadn't met that conniving bitch. Wish that I hadn't fell in love with her, knowing that I had someone better out there in the world.
I start doing treadmill and increase the speed till I am running like I am competing in a marathon. After a few minutes, I get off from the treadmill and start doing lifts all the while thinking about how to get my hands on this motherfucker who is trying to fuck with my brain.
When I finally decided to leave the gym, it was six in the morning. After shower, I wore black jeans and red and black check shirt. Tying the laces of Calvin Klein shoes I went out of my room.
Before I knew it, I found myself in the forbidden room. That room holds so many memories which I want to forget, but I still go there to torture myself.
        Everyday at least once I find myself in that room, either to curse myself or to curse her. However this time I know what to do. I walk in the room with determined steps and stand in the middle of the room,  surrounded by her pictures. One by one, I start throwing her pictures on the floor; the frames  making satisfying shattering noise as they fell down. Taking an iron rod i destroy everything related to her.

As I looked around the now shattered frames, I wonder why I didn't do it earlier. It doesn't matter because now that I had done it, I felt immense relief as if I've finally got decided to move forward.
I look at my wrist watch and see that I've wasted almost two hours in this wretched room. I sighed, thinking that this is going to be a long morning.

I enter my office and start doing some paperwork which had been waiting too long for my attention. As I sit to immerse myself in work, my thoughts stray back to my angel, my— our Myra. It has been two weeks since that incident which took place in Mr. Phoenix's party. When I saw that spineless fucker Brandon flirting with her, I saw red. I just wanted to strangle him and punish her badly.
Thinking about it is making me more angry because unknowingly Myra had put herself in danger. Behind the facade of being a famous designer Brandon Richmond is one of the most feared Mafia of England; not as feared or powerful as us but enough to make people shiver.

Not only that, he is also our sworn enemy, but till now he didn't have anything to use against us which will bring us to our knees and now that he has found out our only other weakness apart from him, he will stop at nothing to take her away from us. Also Knowing that he has taken a keen interest in her is increasing my apprehension.

Soon there will be a war in underworld, if we don't do something about that motherfucker. I take a deep breath and close my eyes thinking that maybe we should tell Myra about sharing her, but I also know that her immediate reaction would be straight no.
       Not able to pay attention on the work spread out on my table, I get out of the room towards the dining hall and see that Lena was just serving the breakfast. She was about retire back in kitchen when I called her. On hearing her name she turned around.

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