Chapter- 29

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I woke up as my eyes blinked against the sunlight which illuminated the room with its white and yellow hues. Dust particles swirling in the attention of the beam of light which entered the room through the glass windows.
A serene smile spread on my face as I looked at Derek who was still sleeping, his eyes closed and face free from frown and the scowl which seemed to be permanent on his face when he was awake. He looked dovish and I wondered whether I will be able to see him like this while he was awake- so serene yet so controlled.

I kissed his forehead and got out of the bed. I picked up his shirt that was lying on the floor. Making my way towards the balcony, I wore it by sliding my hands in the sleeves then buttoned it up. I crossed my arms as I leaned against the railing of the balcony and thought about the past three days- especially the first night.

The first night was the test of my pain tolerance, he tried many things which brought pain but we both know that he still hasn't reached my limit. After first night he did not try anything too painful on my body, saying that I needed to heal first. My bruises and wounds needed to get at least a little better, albeit I tried arguing, it was no use.

Today was the last day of staying with him and I want to try something hard and brutal not the soft stuff he has been doing with me. Mainly because I know it's not satisfying either of us.

Sometimes, I think about our future if I wouldn't have left Ohio or if we had never lost connection with each other or if I hadn't met him. Would he have still exposed this sadistic side of him? Would I have accepted it? Maybe I would have because at that time I would have agreed to do anything he would have asked.

I close my eyes and think about how Derek surprised me yesterday by taking me to stargazing at midnight to an isolated park and dominated my body under the soft glow of the moonlight. The thrill of someone accidentally witnessing me tied to a tree and getting fucked, added to the excitement. I was smiling softly at the memory, when I felt a pair of hands wrapping around me and heat of a body seeping in my body.

I snuggled more into his arms.

"What are you thinking about that has got you smiling?" He asked as he kissed my temple and put his chin on the top of my head.

"Last night." I answered as I opened my eyes and looked up to see him looking down at me with a soft expression and slightly heated expression which took my breath away. He leaned closer towards me and kissed me as if he was starving. After parting our lips from their lock, I smiled up at him.

"Good, because tonight will replace your last night's memories." He says tracing his thumb on my lower lip. Then he unbuttoned his shirt that I was wearing with gentle care and it fell open exposing me to him. He inspected the injuries he had inflicted upon me three nights ago. "Your bruises and marks look better." He stated and I nodded my head in agreement.

"They are much better." He nodded then smirked as he trailed his fingers down breasts towards my pussy. He turned me around so my naked front was now exposed for the world to see. He inserted two of his fingers inside me. I heard his chuckle near my ear making me shiver as his breath hit my ear.

"I see that we have a little exhibitionist here." I gasped a little as he sucked and bit hard on my earlobe. "I bet you will like me to expose your breast in public and suck and play with them. It will turn you on knowing that they can see you but not touch you." He growled in my ear as he pumped his fingers more furiously in me. "Tell me slut. You will like that won't you?" I moaned in agreement.

"I need words." He brought his other hand around my neck and squeezed it tightly.

"Yes sir." I gasped and moved my hips in rhythm of his fingers. I was about to reach my peak when he stopped and pulled his fingers out. I whined in protest which earned me a slap on my face making me gasp and open my eyes in shock. He then gripped a handful of my hair and tilted my head backwards painfully as his grip tightened on my hair. I looked up at his angry face.

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