Chapter- 30

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"Gentlemen I think that wraps up our today's meeting." I announce making everyone stand up from their respective seats and file towards the exit.

Some came to me before leaving and congratulated for the success of this meeting. Honestly I was getting tired and bored of this shit. I knew I was a good speaker and always nailed it, but I had to put on my best fake smile which always seemed to please these mindless fools.
       Finally when everyone left, I exited the meeting room as well. I called my driver before entering the elevator.
It stopped on third floor and an average looking girl entered. She blushed and looked down as soon as she saw me  making me smirk. A girl finding me attractive wasn't something new for me but seeing these naive females  reacting like this always stroked up my ego.

During the whole ride she kept fidgeting and looking up at me occasionally, irritating me but at the same time pleasing me to no end. It irritated me that she kept fidgeting because that is one thing I don't like in women. I like them strong so that I can break them; and the longer it takes to break their spirit, the sweeter is the result. Just like the one I helped breaking five years ago.

She was the best till date. Honestly, it is sad that we had to kill her, but again she brought it upon herself. After all she should have just submitted to my friend willingly. He was ready to lay the world on her feet. He loved her which was a new and a rare thing for him to do. Even I— who is his most trusted person— was kept at a certain distance. He was willing to shower her with his love and give her anything she wanted; all she had to do was submit to him. But no, she had to befriend that loner from her college when the instructions were clearly given to her that she was not allowed to talk to anyone in the college.

Anyways what's done is done, you can't erase the past, albeit I would like to repeat the past because her submission was a sweet result after the exhausting process of breaking her.
The elevator dinged for the ground floor and we got out. My driver was waiting for me by holding the gate of the car open. I got in and asked him to take me to Little After Dark. It was one of the best clubs here. Plus I wanted to celebrate my success alone with some alcohol and a hot chick whom I'll be able to fuck all night long. 

I allowed my driver to retire for the night if he wanted to and of course he happily obliged. He knew the actual reason of the his retirement for the night. He knew that tomorrow another plastic bag of female body will be leaving the bungalow and he didn't want to see the beautiful face who would be in the bag. 
As I entered the club, my eyes immediately settled on a red head. She was sitting alone at the bar and seemed to be conversing with a bartender who looked like was hanging on her every word. Even from the entry gate of the club I could make out her slender and curvy figure as she leaned against the bar. The black dress she was wearing clinged to every curve of her body and was raised up as she sat crossed leg.
       I found my conquest for the night.

I smirked and made my way towards her. I stood beside her; my back touching the bar as I leaned against it with my elbows propped on it. I crossed my legs at ankles as I looked at her. She was even more exquisite up close. She was still busy in talking with the bartender so she didn't notice me. I took a minute in observing her before clearing my throat which made her look at me with those forest green eyes.

"Why a beautiful girl like you is sitting alone at the bar?" I asked with a smirk which always makes the girls swoon.

"Maybe I just prefer sitting alone. After all you always don't need to have some sort of company to have fun." She said with a playful smirk of her own which made me chuckle.

"Of course you don't." I said then looked in her eyes. "But right now would you rather have a company or sit alone here at the bar." I asked, my voice just a little louder than whisper.

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