Chapter- 21

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I wake up groggily. I stretch my arms and suddenly events of last night came rushing in mind. God! What will I say if he asks me what the dream was about. Maybe I should tell him that it was just a recurring nightmare of my parents death. But if I do then I'll have to tell him how they died.

I take in a shake breathe. No I won't tell him anything because if I told him about my dream, then I'll have to tell him about my past for which I am not ready. That nightmare has shaken me to my core. It was so close to reality. I could feel him.

Getting up I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth. I take warm shower and my body instantly relaxes. I close my eyes and think about all the possibilities.

What if we hadn't left Ohio? What if we never went in that neighborhood? Would any of this happened? How long will it take Derek to surrender?

I laugh lightly at that thought. Derek surrendering?! It is the most laughable thought. If anything I'll have to finally bow down in front of him. The correct question is how long? How long till I finally surrender?
         I get out of the bathroom and towel dry myself. I go inside the closet and take out a lemon coloured summer dress, white lacy bra and underwear and white ankle strap flats. I take them and go in room. I dip my fingers in moisturizer and first apply it on my legs then on my hands. After getting dressed I head downstairs. An elderly woman was working in the kitchen, she must be in her mid fifties. When she sees me standing in front of the kitchen her eyes shine and she smiles brightly at me. I smile back at her a little awkwardly.

"You must be Myra. I am Martha, cook of this house." She says and I nod my head and greet her politely. "Derek told me about you and the accident. Poor child, sit here and I'll bring you your breakfast." She grabs my hand and leads me to the table and pushes me down on the chair. Her chirpy attitude is so infectious that I could not help but laugh at her antics. She smiles at me.

"Have you worked here for long?" I ask her.

"Technically yes. I have worked for Derek's family for as long as I can remember. You can ask me anything about his childhood and I will tell you. But don't tell Derek that I did." She says and winks at me as she places my breakfast on the table. I smile and thank her. While I ate my breakfast, Martha shared some of  Derek's embarrassing childhood stories which were extremely hilarious.  By the time I finished my breakfast my stomach was hurting from laughing.
After finishing my breakfast, she gave me medicines. I excuse myself to my room. When I reach the hallway of second floor my gaze shifts to the mysterious room at the opposite end of the hallway. I am curious about what is in that room. Unlike other rooms this room is heavily protected. Unconsciously I started walking towards it and stop right in front the door. I don't know for how long I stood there just standing and staring at it because I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I jump at the sudden contact. I turn around to see Martha looking at me with concern etched on her face. 

"Are you alright dear?" She asks me in a concerned voice.

"Yeah I am. I was just wondering." I bite my lip as I contemplated asking her. Will she even know about what is behind that door? Well it is worth the risk..... I suppose. "Do you know what is behind that door?" I ask her and her face flushes, making me more confused. Okay........

"That is something you should ask Derek dear. But right now I think you should get some sleep and when you wake up, I am going to make you some fresh juice." She ushered me to my room. I look back and take a last glance last time at the room.

When we enter my room, I lie on my bed while she switches on the AC and drapes the quilt on me. She switches off the lights and shuts the door as she goes out. I smile thinking that she acts like a dotting mother and how lucky Derek is to have such a loving figure as part of his life. Abruptly, I hear my phone ringing. I pick it up and answer the call smiling.

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