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I crack my knuckles and lean against the window taking support of the railing. I think about how my empire has expanded so much within past few years. I even took over that bastard Julius Alexander. The bastard was an absolute cunt in the face of lion. I remember his shocked and raged expression when I destroyed and bankrupted him and reduced him to nothing. He wasn't able to understand how this game turned against him and came in my control. But the truth is that the game was always in my control, I just made him think that he's the one in control when all along it was me. I bought all the shares of his company, sold them to the highest bidder and took all the profit. I chuckled quietly to myself thinking about that time. I warned you Mr. Alexander that I play dirty.

At this time, all my problems were at bay except one Myra. I don't have one thing that makes me want to live. After I destroyed that fucker, I moved earth and sky to find her, but all in vain. It is like she has disappeared from the world.

With each and every passing second it was getting more difficult to keep her out of my head. Nowadays, it were the negative thoughts that clouded my mind. What if something has happened to her? What if she's in trouble? What if she is with someone else? or worse what if she is dead? I shake my head in order to clear my head.
No! Neither anything has happened to her nor she is with someone else because if any of that happens I will destroy everything.

For that first you'll have to find her. The beast mocks me.

Shut up! I will find her and when I do she is never leaving my side ever again. If that means I have to chain her to the bed I will.
The phone of my office rings bringing me out of my thoughts. I picked up and answer.

"Zaire." I snap.

"Good morning Mr. Zaire! Mr. Cross is here to see you." My secretary Serena informs me.
What does he want now!?

"Send him in." I reply curtly.
Few minutes later, Adrian strides in my office like he owns the place. Well... in a way he does since he is my partner but still.

"Hello my mate!" Adrian greeted me in his usual annoying over cheerful manner.

"Morning idiot!" I greeted him with fake cheerfulness.

"C'mon is that any way to greet your best mate." I just looked at him with a stoic face.

"Damn it Derek! You're no fun." He whined. I roll my eyes not replying.

"Fine fine, okay so there is a this new club called 'Vida Futura', and I think we should check it out."

"Check out a new club or a new pussy to fit your dick in." I say sarcastically.

"C'mon its not like I fuck every girl that comes my way." He tries to defend himself.

I raise my eyebrows at him," Of course you don't. You didn't even fucked that chick at my birthday party who was practically showing off her tits in the whole god damn party and the other time when —"

"Fine I get it." He cuts me off hastily, knowing that I had got him. "But you know I just do that to release my stress. Since we are not able to find the only girl we want to love and cherish I figured that I should just go for some whores because they are always too ready to please me." He finished with a smug smile. I rolled my eyes and shot him a deathly glare. But he was right, the girls literally threw themselves at his feet and he was all too happy to fulfill there wishes. Unlike him I didn't indulge myself with random girls. Mainly because I searched her face in every girl and secondly not many girls approached me because of the scowl that seems to be permanent these days.

"I know." I sighed as I rubbed my forehead tiredly. "You don't know how hard I am trying to find her. But I don't know what she has done to clear all her traces. It's like she doesn't want to be found... like she's hiding from something; like she never existed." I say as suddenly this thought comes in mind.

"Or it could be someone and if that's the case. Who is she hiding from?" He asks.

"You know I think we've had enough stress for one day and now we should go to that new club and bang some pussy." Adrian says sighing.

I agree with him because I don't want to spend another night in blue balls.
As soon as we enter the club, I see people grinding on each other, kissing each other and practically having sex on the dance floor.

"This sure is some club." I comment making Adrian laugh and pat on my back.

We get in the corner of the club and sit on the sofa. Soon I see two girls entering the club and for some reason I can't seem to take my eyes off the girl who is wearing cocktail black coloured mid-thigh dress. She carries her beauty and sensuality with grace and I notice that I am not the only one looking at her; whole male population in the club is fucking her with their eyes. And for some unknown reason I want to claw their eyes out. I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes. I take a huge gulp from my drink and try to suppress ths feeling for that strange girl.

Also, there is this feeling in my heart that I know her. Those red luscious lips, black hair which frame her face perfectly and milky white skin reminds of someone. No! This is not possible out of all places she cannot be here besides last time I checked she hated drinking.

Yeah! And the last time was ten years ago. My beast mocks me, which I choose to ignore and keep looking at the girl.

"She is definitely a keeper." Adrian suddenly says bringing me out of my reverie. I look at him in confusion and he points to the girl I was staring.

"I might be wrong but I have this feeling that I know her. She just reminds me of her." I say indicating the girl who has captured my attention.

"You might be right because she looks like the older version of Myra. I mean what Myra would have looked like on getting older." He says seconding my suspicions. Well... we wouldn't know if we will not try to find out.

"Guess you are right."

"I'm always right you just don't admit it." I sigh in annoyance but choose not to comment. Instead I focus back at the girl.
I watch as she goes on the dance floor and starts to dance. She looks so seductive yet elegant that I just can't help myself but stare at her. She is completely unaware of the looks she is getting from her opposite gender.

I get up and start walking towards her. I stand behind her and put my hands on her waist. She starts grinding her hips which makes my dick spring to life. Ugh! Calm down dude, not right now. I tried thinking about some of the worst scenarios which might help me with my current condition. But unfortunately my problem pertains. Well fuck!
I turn her around and pull her towards me. Her hands come around my neck and she starts swaying her hips. Her eyes are closed. I slide my hand from her back to her hips. She opens her eyes and I see the most beautiful mauve gray eyes I've ever seen. These unique coloured eyes are holding so many emotions that I can't help myself from drowning in them.

"Shady." She whispers. This catches my attention and I look at her shocked.

"What did you just say?" I ask her.

"Derek... umm Derek Zaire." She replies looking flustered for some reason I can't fathom.

"No, what did you say before that?" I prob wanting her to repeat that name because I know that I couldn't have imagined that... that particular name which nobody but she called me, and if she is who I think she is then she has to call me that name.

"Nothing." She says hurriedly as if trying to cover up some mistake at which she has been caught red handed. I narrow my eyes at her but say nothing. Soon she excuses herself and goes to washroom. I am hundred percent sure that she is her I just need her to confirm it which she will by doing some mistake that will lead her straight to me... to us.

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