Chapter- 31

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It has been a month since that incident with Adrian at the ball party. Since then I have been ignoring him. Every time he comes close, I push him away. I have tried to keep things completely professional but every time I do this, I feel bereft. I feel like there is a part inside of me that even Derek can't fill. I shouldn't feel this way because he is my the love of my life but no matter how much I try I can't stop thinking about Adrian.

Sometimes I imagine the three of us together because my infatuation with Adrian was getting out of control but my relationship with Derek was sacred. I couldn't loose him because of my unhealthy attraction towards his best friend. I felt extremely guilty. I felt like I was cheating on him.

Today was Thursday which meant that today I was supposed to be at Derek's home, at his midnight pain room specifically. Our sessions together were getting more intense. They were filled with more pain but still it was not enough to satiate both of our needs. I knew that because I could see it in his eyes. He was holding himself back; he was reigning his beast in and I was determined to unleash it no matter the consequences.
Currently I was kneeling on the floor of his playroom. It has almost been half an hour and I couldn't help but think about these past four months. Derek and I have become closer than ever, but still there is always this invisible wall of secrets which keeps us apart. I have a feeling that these secrets will be the our downfall.
This dark past of ours will never leave us alone until and unless we kill it. This time I am willing to kill instead of being killed. I have been running from my demons for these past five years. My cowardice and selfishness got all my loved ones killed but this time I will slay anyone who threatens my Derek or our relationship.

The sound of heavy footsteps ascending the stairs alerted my body. It quickly became excited as it recognized the footsteps of Derek.

The door opened and I saw bare feet striding towards me. Without uttering a word, he blindfolded me, grabbed my arms and pulled me up. He guided me somewhere and then turned me around. After asking me to spread my legs he tied them up to the eyebolts screwed on the floor. I thought that he would tie my hands as well but instead he told me to clasp them behind my neck and arch my back as far as I could.

I stopped after getting his approval. He then kissed me passionately, clutching my head with one hand while his other gripped my waist in a death grip that would surely leave the bruises. I am certain was his intention because he leaves his marks on my body in any possible way he can.
He fisted and harshly pulled my hair, bending my neck backwards. He pushed his lips roughly against mine as the kiss slowly grew aggressive and rough.

I made the mistake of putting my hand in his hair as I gave into my desire of touching him. He stopped almost instantly and pulled back. My vision was taken from me because of this black silk blindfold but I could imagine him looking down at me through his narrowed eyes. I held my breath scared for my well being.

I wanted pain but not by disappointing him. Suddenly I felt his breath on my cheek as he traced it with his nose.
"You failed to follow simple instructions Rose. Tell me which punishment should I give you?" Albeit he was asking me, I knew he would give me whatever he wished, regardless of what I say.

"Whatever you see fit, sir." I answered in a soft voice.

"Whatever I see fit because as your master only I know what's fit for you, right Myra?" His deep vice reached my ears.

"Yes sir." I answered in a slightly breathy voice. I again assumed the position.

Without saying anything he went behind me towards what I am assuming is, the glass shelves which contained various types of whips, floggers, canes and belts. My assumption was proved right when I heard one of the shelves getting opened. A few seconds later, I heard it getting closed followed by the sound of Derek's bare feet which were getting closer. He stopped a half arm's length away from me. Then without any warning he swung whatever he was holding in his hand. I first heard whistle of the air as he swung it harshly which was followed by its painful sting.

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