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Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! How could you be so stupid Myra?! Shady! Really?! Out of all the names you could've called him, you had to call him Shady! So much for laying low and not coming in the limelight.

"Okay, don't panic Myra, maybe he didn't hear you and was asking to repeat what you said because he couldn't hear it. Yes... maybe that's the reason." I mumble to myself trying to calm my nerves but in vain because I saw the shocked expression on his face when I called him that.

I would be lying if I said that seeing him after ten years didn't make my heart skip a beat. Albeit I know that I should stay away from him because a destruction comes when tornado hits a volcano and I knew that he was a volcano which will swallow this tornado named Myra, but my heart was refusing to listen as it was beating thousands times per minute for that one person who has stolen my thoughts, my dreams and my heart.
But I can't let him get close to me because if I did then he too would die like everyone else who has gotten close to me. I care too much about him to let him die.

I refuse to let my past kill my present and future!

To ensure that I'll have to stay away from him. Just pretend that you don't know him or have seen him before and everything will be fine. Yes! That's it, treat him like those guys who try to get in your pants and he will leave you because guys like him have the habit of getting treated like a royalty and not like a piece of trash.

I take a deep breath and leave the bathroom. I go in the direction where my friends are sitting. Subconsciously, my eyes start searching for him. There he was sitting at the corner of the booth with a guy who had ash blonde hair, must be his friend. He was also good looking. I am sure he had the girls throwing themselves at him. Currently he was flirting with a bartender, who was wearing a skimpy outfit which was barely concealing her breasts. You could see that she was hanging on every word he was saying; the way she was twirling her hair with index finger and pushing her boobs more towards him clearly gave away her intentions. But in a way you also couldn't blame her for her actions since Mr. Blonde was drop dead gorgeous.

My eyes go back to him, sitting with his leg open he was exuding an aura of dominance, the type which attracted females towards him like moth to flames. I gulp and look at him to see that he is looking at me with such intensity that it instantly hypnotizes me. I couldn't look away from him, I was mesmerized by his eyes, his aura and by him.

With great effort I looked away from him and tried to focus on what my friends were doing.

"Myra!" Lily shouted in my ears making me wince.

"Ow! Stop yelling in my ears." I scowled at her.

"Sorry, its just that you weren't listening and I was calling you for like half an hour."

"Whatever." I said giving her a sideways look.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say that you are paying for the next round."

"Fine." I replied not exactly listening to her as my mind was on something else more like someone else.

I took care of the next two rounds. After a few shots I was completely drunk and honestly this was a good thing because tonight I needed something strong enough so that I could forget about certain someone. I took Lily and Hera with me and stumbled towards the stage. We started moving our hips with beats. I closed my eyes and I could feel the rhythm in my blood. I was transported back to the time when I lived for dance. Those times which now are only distant memories.
"Mom, can you play a song I want to show what Miss. Delilah taught us today." A fourteen year old girl requests her mother with such enthusiasm that it's contagious.

Her mother laughs and starts playing the song; at the same time she starts recording the graceful moves her daughter is doing. At such age she could do such phenomenal contemporary dance moves that it could blow anyone's mind. As soon as the dance is completed her parents and everybody present at the get together start applauding and cheering. The little girl is bathing in the compliments and the attention she is getting, but unfortunately at the same time she is also getting attention of the person who is destined to destroy her life forever.
I shake my head and try to get the memory off my mind. I didn't get drunk out of my head for nothing. Tonight is my night which means that tonight I will enjoy myself and won't let these inner demons rule my thoughts. I feel someone's hands on my hips and start grinding. I hear him grunt which makes me smirk in victory.

Looks like I am getting some action tonight after all.

I turn around and hook my hands behind his neck. I look at him and see that he is not bad looking. He is what some people would call a 'chocolate boy'. He has dark brown eyes, black hair and a smile which will make people stare at him. While dancing I couldn't help but look in the direction where Derek is sitting. But regretted as soon as I saw his face. He looked absolutely murderous. His jaw was clenched. Though his face was void of any emotion, I could see the fury in his eyes. His fingers were clutching the handle of the champagne glass so tightly that it was a wonder that the handle did not break.
    He then removed his eyes from the guy towards me and gave me same death glare which held a warning. A warning I understood too well. He was warning me to let go of the boy if I wanted him to see the next sunrise. I looked back at him nervously and bit my lower lip.
He looked so hot while he was angry.

Wait! What the hell am I thinking?! Here he looks ready to kill someone more specifically this guy and I am fantasizing about him? You are unbelievable Myra. You need to get away from this guy who looks ready to eat you because if you don't then only Derek knows what he'll do.

Suddenly I felt wetness on the side of my neck. And I realized that this guy was sucking at the side of my neck. I put my hand on his head and pulled him away. He instantly places his lips on mine. Wrapping his arms around me he pulled me closer. While any other day I would have kissed him senseless, today I was trying to save an innocent person. Otherwise he would be lying dead in a garbage bin or something. So I pushed him hard taking him by surprise.

"Listen I need to go. We can't do this." Saying this I turned away but before I could take a step forward my elbow was grabbed and I was pulled back to a hard chest.

"If you don't like PDA it's completely fine baby. We can continue this at my home." He whispered as he kissed my earlobe. Before I could reply I heard a loud scream followed by a thud. I turned around so fast that the spin went to my head. I clutched my head and tried to stable myself.

The guy I was dancing with was lying on the floor and above him Derek was standing with a murderous expression. His fingers were clenched in a tight fist as he glared down at the guy groaning in pain. But soon he shifted his glare towards me and I felt all the alcohol I had consumed tonight leaving my system.

I turned around and ran towards the corner my friends were sitting. Like the coward as I was, I didn't try to save that guy and ran to save my own life.

Fuck! I needed to get drunk once again.


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