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These past seven days have been very hectic for me. Waking up at five in the morning then reaching the office by six, coming home late at night and then crashing almost immediately on the bed, has been my routine. I am so tired that I want to just sleep in my bed and never wake up, but I know that I have to wake or else my asshole of a boss would fucking fire me.
         In these past two days he has fired more employees than I've ever seen in my work life or rather since I joined Robert&Lucy's. Even Haily came crying out of his room.

When it comes to work he doesn't spare anyone.

He was harsh and strict with everyone; even me but I'm not complaining because him being harsh on me is better than him trying to seduce me. The workload was especially more on me since I was the managing director of the company. If I completed one file then other would land on my desk almost immediately.

It has been complete hell for the past seven days. Going in his room, showing him all the files and paperwork and then anxiously waiting for him to lash out. Amidst all this, Lexie and Hera have been my biggest support. Lexie stayed in office as long as I did even if she didn't have any work just so I can remain focused on my work. I laugh internally as I think about it. She was acting like a mother would; checking up on me every hour, bringing me coffee and even helping me a little with my work.

I came to know more about her. She has done major in fashion designing and always wanted to become a famous fashion designer buy couldn't Purdue her dream because of her financial difficulties. On the other hand, Hera always had dinner ready for me. She made me salad or something like that because she knows that I prefer eating light dinner. She also always had my clothes arranged for me in the morning. Every day I would wake up to see that she had already picked my outfit and a coffee waiting for me which had a good luck note sticking on it.

I reached my office and sat on the chair. Today was the announcement day. The day when someone from this company will be directly promoted to become the head of the company. I just hope that the person is deserving.

I heard a knock on the office door and invited the person in. Lexie came in the office with a smile.

"Good morning Myra." Lexie greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning Lexie." I greeted back.

"So, today is the announcement day. Mr. Zaire had ordered everyone in the conference room at 10:00am sharp." She wiggled her eyebrows while smiling. I just shook my head at her.

"I just want someone worthy to become the boss not some unworthy like Hailey who will crumble the company." I say because I really don't care. I'm attached to this company and just want to see it growing, no matter who the boss is. Hailey smiled at me and went out. I rolled my eyes.

At 10:00a.m., I knocked at the door of the conference room and went inside. I saw everyone from the office looking rather scared and nervous. I go and sit at my usual seat that is at the left side of the long mahogany table. Soon after Derek came in wearing a black suit with white button up undershirt and a grey tie, looking crisp as ever. I looked around and saw the lustful gazes of women that instantly made me want to pull their hair and smash their face in the wall. I took deep breaths in order to calm myself down and reminded myself that he is not mine and will never be mine because I don't plan on letting myself get close to him. So, I don't have the right whatsoever to hurt someone for lusting after him. But this thought made my heart clench, the thought of him with other women made my insides churn with jealousy. Jealousy is a  feeling which I never felt before. And now that I do, I realise why it is called a bitter feeling.

I heard someone clear his throat. I looked up to see Derek looking at me with narrowed eyes. Once again I took a deep breath trying to reign in my emotions and look at him with a blank expression.

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