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The next morning I wake up feeling warmth of a body surrounding me. I open my eyes to see that I am not in my room instead I am in a very familiar golden bronze coloured room. The memories of the previous night flash in my mind and I feel myself blushing. Then I feel regret flushing in my body. I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have given into my desires. Damn! I don't exactly regret the aftermath of my actions but I surely repent giving into the heat of the moment. Last night I was so frustrated with the sexual tension that I couldn't help myself but kiss him back when he kissed me; couldn't help but submit to the sensations flowing through my body; couldn't deny myself the release which I had been craving whole day from the moment he massaged my shoulders.
I looked down at his peaceful face as he sleeps. The regret I was feeling earlier disappeares. At this moment, I was with the love of my life, in his arms.

For quite sometime I just keep staring at his chiseled face and agnized that for a long time I have let my past control me and my decisions, which prevented me from giving into my feelings. But now I will not let my past affect my present, only to destroy my future.

I will give him a chance; I will give us a chance because we both deserve it.
I trace my fingertips on his jawline and face. I place a kiss on his cheeks, forehead, eyes, nose, chin and finally on his lips. When I was about to take my lips off his, two arms wrapped themselves tightly around my body as his lips started to move against mine, deepening the kiss. I moaned closing my eyes in pleasure as he flipped us over.
He was on top of me holding my hair in his right hand while his other hand was tightly clutching my waist, pulling me closer. At the same time both of my hands were in his hair as I pulled him impossibly closer to me.

He licked my bottom lip asking for permission which I gave him gladly. His tongue dived in my mouth and explored each part of my mouth lazily as if he has all the time in this world.

We came up for air and looked at each other letting our eyes speak for us. He was looking at me with such intensity that it my insides burn in anticipation but he just kept looking at me with emotions I couldn't decipher.

"You are not leaving me." He stated in his deep husky voice which always made my stomach flip. "Last night I told you Myra. I warned you that if I claim you as mine I won't let you leave me." He said looking deep in my eyes.

"I won't." I breathed out. "I don't want to. I have decided that I won't let my past stop me anymore." I whispered tracing his lips lightly with my forefinger. I watched his pupils dilate as he once again leaned in and kissed me furiously yet passionately. I broke the kiss and leaned up to kiss his forehead.

"I won't leave you Shady. I promise." I say looking in his eyes.

"You better keep your promise Rose Red because if you do then I will hunt you down and punish you then fuck you so badly that you will not be able to walk for weeks." He said looking deep in my eyes. I know he is serious.

His words were supposed to scare me; they were supposed to make me run away from him but it didn't, instead I had opposite effect; his words made my insides burn with passion and raw desire. I was not going to leave him but I needed to think about things a little and that would be impossible if I give in to my desires of pleasuring him. I pushed him a little and he must have gotten the message for he got off me and allowed me to get out.
        I went inside the bathroom and brushed my teeth extra thoroughly because I didn't brush last night. I spit the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. Then I turned on the shower and set the temperature of the water on the warmer side. I proceeded to take my clothes off my body and went under the shower. Closing my eyes I savoured the feeling of warm water sliding down my body. Suddenly I felt heat of a body behind as the two arms encased themselves around me and I smiled. I turned around in his arms and looked up to see Derek looking at me. I stood on my toes and kissed him lightly which soon turned into a deep and heated kiss. I pulled away breathing heavily.

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