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It has been a week since Derek made Myra the head of the now 'Zadyra Designers'. Derek came up with this name by clubbing his last name and mine and Myra's first name. He said that now that Myra is the head of the company and we both are the owners then this company should be on our names. I was pretty impressed with her performance both personally and professionally. To be honest I never had any doubts regarding her becoming the perfect head of the company. But I was extremely furious at what that slut Hailey said about Myra. The nerve! She should be glad that I wasn't present at that time because I wouldn't have been able to hold back from showing her where she belongs... which is at my girl's feet. She should bow down in front of my baby girl, not act like a fucking queen.

I took a long breath to calm myself. Only we are allowed to humiliate her and the fact that the nobody slut dared to insult her in front of everyone had me raging but I was also impressed at the way Derek handled her since I wouldn't have been able to. That's why I handle the other part of his business well, because I don't hold back my anger on anything or anyone except when it comes to Myra. She is an exception to everything.

I hear my office phone ring.

"Cross." I snapped.

"Good morning sir, Mr. Asuzi is here to see you." My secretary Elena informed me. What could he be here for now? His business has been very weak from the past few months. And if he wants to be allies with us then he has a whole other thing coming for him.

"Send him in." I order her and lean back in my chair. Soon I see a tall figure entering my office. I stand up and shake his hand firmly.

"Mr. Asuzi." I give him a nod which he returns. I motion him to take a seat in front me which he does.

"Mr. Cross, I've heard a lot about your weapons and drug shipments." He says making me raise my eyebrows. What does he want?

"And?" I give him an expectant look. He slightly shifts in his seat. Interesting.

"You see Mr. Cross our business has been very weak from the past few months and because of that we have not only been threatened by others but have also got attacked. Luckily we survived each one of them but the time is running out and we need your help." He said in a monotone voice. I am impressed at how well he is hiding his emotions even though I know that he is anything but that. I narrow my eyes at him and lean forward.

"First of all Mr. Asuzi, you should know that in this world weak do not exist. This world is all about power and money and you don't have the former, which is the foremost and the most important element to survive in this world. I have a reputation to maintain. Not to forget that I am the king of this world. That means I already have a strong team and allies. There is no space for weaklings in my empire. So, what makes you think that I'll help you." I asked him with raised eyebrows.

"I know that Mr. Cross but we don't need your team to defend us, we just need some powerful weapons to help us through the fight." He said making me smirk.

"And what do I get in return?" I ask him with a smirk still plastered on my face as I play with the pen in my hands.

"Anything you want." He replies quickly with an expressionless face.

"Anything I want? You do realize that it is a dangerous thing to say Mr. Asuzi." I said mockingly.

"I am willing to take any risks if that means my family and my wife will be protected." He said.

"Then it's a deal Mr. Asuzi. You'll get your weapons by tomorrow." I said after thinking for a minute.

"And when the time comes, you will pay me back in blood." I said with an evil smile.
Being the King of underworld wasn't that easy. You had to be emotionless because yours emotions can be used against you. Any weakness will be exploited by your enemies. This was my life— killing and torturing people. The worst part was I loved every second of it. I loved it when I heard my victims beg for their life. I loved it when people shivered while mentioning my name.

The blood that came out of their bleeding body made my inner sadistic beast sigh in content and their screams were enough to make me groan in pleasure. I knew it was psychotic and abnormal but I won't have it any other way. I loved the way I was because I know that I won't be able to survive a day if I became normal.

What is normal anyway? Being kind? Living in limits? Being told what to do and not to do? Caring about what this good for nothing society thinks? If this was being normal then I love being abnormal because abnormality gives me essence of power. It liberates me.

I never showed any form of weakness in front of anyone except Derek; never showed any type of emotions to anyone except her; never trusted anyone except her and Derek, but after her, I swore to never trust anyone and to never put my heart out on the line because I learned it a hard way that your emotions are your worst enemies not only in my world but also in the world of normal people who are oblivious to the danger lurking around them.

In this world everyone has a dark side, some embrace it and some just choose to ignore and believe the lie that is the light. I have embraced my dark side and since then I've seen the reality of the world. I've seen the harsh reality of the world which is no roses and hearts. It is full of burning coals and snakes. I was once afraid of the creatures of darkness and now I have become the creature people are afraid of.

We can easily forgive someone who is afraid of dark because the real tragedy of life is when one is afraid of light. I'm afraid of light; afraid that it will again show the lie which I chose to believe earlier; afraid that if I follow light once again, believe in it once again I am going to fall and this time I may not be able to get back up.

It was my world of black; the darkness until I saw my baby girl, my Myra.... or rather our Myra. Now I will consume her in my world of darkness with no remorse. When I saw her after ten years I knew that now she was no innocent Myra Sloane we knew, she now is Myra Praks, someone with a painful past and a dark soul. Someone who has seen the darkness of the world.

I also vowed myself to never let her go. I don't know her past but I plan on finding out because the one who tainted her pure soul will regret breathing in the same country as her. The only person allowed to hurt her is me. I am obsessed with her. I know that she loves Derek not me but she will... she will have to love me because she doesn't have any other choice. I will teach her to love me as well.

The ringing of my phone brings me out of my dark thoughts. I pick it up.

"Hello." I answer in a gruff voice.

"Come to City Hospital as soon as possible." From the other side Derek's urgent voice greets me.

"Why? Is everything okay?" I frown.

"Myra has been in an accident." My blood freezes at his reply.

If anything happens to her then I swear I am going to freeze hell and earth.

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