Chapter- 20

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I woke up startled when I heard loud screams coming from Myra's room. I immediately got up and ran towards her room. I switched on the lights and saw her clutching her quilt like it was her lifeline.

"Please.... please. I'm sorry. I won't—" She screamed in agony suddenly pulling me out of my shocked state.  She arched her back as if she was in immense pain.

I walked towards her and sat besides her. I lightly touched her cheek and whispered her name.

"Myra wake up. It is just nightmare wake up love." I whispered softly. She continues to writhe on the bed while her face was morphed into an afflictive expression.

"Rose Red wake up. You are dreaming." I said a little more firmly as I leaned over her; my face was directly over hers. I called her one more time. Her eyes flew open and abruptly she sat on the bed. Her eyes were wide with fear and I could tell that she was still in her dream state.

She threw the covers off her and ran to the bathroom. I walked behind her and saw that she was sitting under the shower fully clothed while the cold water was pouring on her.

She was sitting against the wall, knees up till her chest, crossed at the ankles, her arms wrapped around them protectively and her head between them. She was shaking like a leaf. I walked towards her and turned off the shower.
      I crouched down in front of her and called her name. She looked up warily.

The look on her face broke my heart. Pure, unadulterated fear was what I saw on her face. It was hurting me to see her like this.
I raised my hand to touch her but she flinched away and curled herself further into a small ball. I balled my palm in a fist and brought back to my side. Seeing her like this was like swallowing a piece of glass.

"Don't touch me. Please." She whimpered. 

I want to be with her but I know that she might not take it well. A person suffering from nightmares sees every person as his enemy. They might hurt themselves in the process. So it was best to protect them from a distance.

When I turned around, a hand gripped my leg preventing me to go further. I turned back to see Myra looking at me scared yet hopeful. The look on her face broke my heart. 

"Please don't leave me alone." She whispered brokenly. I would have missed it if my sole attention was not on her. I nodded then sat beside her maintaining some  distance. I wanted to hold her tight in my arms. But I knew that any action on my part might make her react violently.

She then raised her hand towards me and I looked at it then gave her a questioning gaze. She nodded and I slowly took her hand in mine. I grasped and held onto her hand tightly. We stared at each other for a few minutes then she placed her head back between her knees but kept a firm grip on my hand.

I kept staring at her all the while trying keep my anger at bay.

I don't know what happened with her but I sure as hell will dig the person from under the earth to make him taste his own medicine. I won't bloody kill him but I'll make sure that for the rest of his life he wishes that he was dead.

When I felt her breathing steadily, I knew she was asleep. I gently picked her up, went back in her room and placed her on the bed. Changing her clothes, I covered her with the quilt and place a kiss on her forehead.

I lie down next to her and pull her in my arms. She snuggled deeply into me. Inhaling her sweet exotic scent I closed my eyes.
It was four in the morning when I woke up. I go to the gym I had built in the penthouse.

My mind keeps replaying the events of last night as I workout. My anger keeps increasing as I start working out intensely.

It was six by the time I got ready for work.

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