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Angel- Zayn ft. Rhianna

The beautiful shimmering water was breathtaking. In this world of pollution it was a wonder how the water in this pond was shining under the sun like millions of diamonds shimmering under light. The lush green grass and tall trees with small flowers growing on them added to the serenity of this beauteous place. I was lying on the grass on my back while holding hand of the glorious devil laying down beside me with a beautiful smile on his face. I look at his peaceful face which is very rare in his case because being the owner of many hotels, clubs and companies is not an easy task. It is extremely rare to see him so relaxed.

"Are you going to keep looking at me?" He asked in a playful tone, his eyes still closed. A smile of my own made its way on my face.

"Do you mind Mr. Zaire?" I answered with a question of my own in a teasing voice. I take support of my elbow as I lean up to look down at him, the palm of my hand holding my face as I lay on my side. He opens his eyes to look at me. His cobalt eyes looking at me with a teasing glint. I loved this carefree and teasing side of him. For once he looks his age because all the other times he looks older than his age.

"Of course I don't Miss. Praks but I would be more happy if we put your mouth to some good use." He says and before I have time to react, he flips me over.

Now I am laying flat on my back while he is looming over me and as he leans down to kiss me, my eyes immediately close of their own accord. I weave my hand under his shirt as he grasps my hair in his fist. His lips were firm yet soft against my lips. He bit my lip asking for permission to enter my mouth which I immediately denied. My denial caused him to pinch my side to which I kept my mouth closed as well. I could sense he was getting frustrated because his movements were getting more frenzy. I smirked internally. I loved to see him like this. All frustrated and desperate for control.

This time he plunged three fingers inside me. This sudden intrusion caused me to gasp and he didn't waste a second in taking this opportunity to enter his tongue in my mouth. His tongue explored each and every corner of my mouth while his hands felt each part of me. I moaned in his mouth when he caressed my tongue with his.

I brushed my fingers on his nipples causing him to groan, his fingers mimicked my actions causing me to push my breasts more in his hands. He pinched my nipple painfully hard and the pain elicited a moan from my mouth. We came up for the air which we had deprived ourselves from. My eyes were still closed as I was trying to get my breathing in control.

When I opened my eyes, they widened in terror. Fear gripped my heart like ice covering the mountains and dread engraved its claws inside my veins. My body froze as if I was lying on ice cubes and not on a warm ground because instead of dominant, warm coal black eyes, I was looking at those cruel, cold emerald green eyes which held so much malice in them that I feared for my life.
His hand came up and wrapped around my throat putting pressure. My air supply was lessened but not fully cut off. It was enough for him to show that he had control of my life in his hands that I was still at his mercy. The next words that he spoke increased my fear ten folds.

"I will have you back pet because You Are Mine And A Pet Never Gets Out Of His Master's Clutches." He was squeezing my neck with each word making it impossible for me to breath and just as I was about to loose consciousness I heard his last words.

"Remember this Myra that I am coming back for you. I am coming back to take what's rightfully mine."
I woke up with sweat covering my forehead, my breath coming out in short pants. I haven't had any nightmare from the past week except for that one time, but after that it was like Derek had chased away all my nightmares as if he was my salvation from him my darkest nightmare.

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