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"Myra! Are you ready?" Mom shouted.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute." I shouted back.

I looked at the photo frame that I was holding, it contained a picture of me and Shady. It was taken on my eleventh birthday party. In the picture cake was smeared on my face thanks to a few girlfriends I had invited and instead of helping me clean it up this idiot was laughing at me. As I looked at the picture a sad smile appears on my face. Thinking about how I might never see him again makes me depressed.

Shaking my head to clear away the depressing thoughts, I put the frame in my bag.
     I walk downstairs in the living room where mom and dad were waiting for me. My mom looked at me and I knew she could tell what was going on my mind as she has always read me like an open book. She gave me an encouraging smile and told me that everything was going to be okay. I gave her a weak smile, went to SUV and handed my suitcase and duffle bag to our driver.

As soon as I was about to sit in my car I saw Shady's black BMW stopping in front of our car. Opening the door he stepped out of the car and walked towards us. He was wearing a grey three piece suit in which he looked absolutely gorgeous. His hair was set neatly. In short he looked like he was coming straight out of magazine.
       I have seen him in suit only a handful times, but everytime he blows my mind with how handsome he looks in them. In front of me, he usually wears casuals so whenever I see him in suits I fall in lust with him.

"Good morning Melanie and Mr. Sloane. Do you mind if I drop Myra to the airport?" He asked my parents which because of his tone sounded more like a challenge. Dad was about to say something when mom cut him off.

"Good morning to you too Derek. You can drop Myra to the airport, we don't mind." Mom said with a cheerful smile on her face and throws a warning glance at my father. It's not like my dad doesn't like him. He did like him but he had problem with the age gap. Dad wanted to see me spending time with guys of my age but my mom shut him up every time he brought the topic up by saying that there is also a five year age gap between them. This led to an argument..... more like a funny argument. If that is a thing.
         The thing that disgusts me most is how they make up to each other after every argument. I mean rooms are made for a reason. But no.... they will make up to each other by making out, on the same place they had argued five seconds ago. Right in front of me! So basically I have been scarred for life.

"Well, thank you Melanie." With that he took my hand and led us towards his car. His chauffeur opened the door and we sat down.

I was sitting on his lap with both my hand wrapped around his neck while his right hand was on my waist, his other hand had found its way in my hair, slowly massaging my head. We sat like this for a few minutes, neither of us wanting to break the silence.

"Shady." I looked up at him, his eyes were closed as if savoring the silence between us. When he didn't respond I again called his name.

"Hmm." He hummed

"I'll miss you." I said with tears in my eyes. Now that I sat in his lap on our way towards the airport, reality sank into me. I might never see him again. This thought broke my heart into million pieces. I know that my parents and my friends think that this is just an infatuation; that this feeling will pass.

After all I was only fifteen! I wasn't supposed to fall in love. Nobody falls in love at the mere age of fifteen. But I know that this is love. What I feel for him is strong and I won't be able to love anyone else like I love him. He might move on but I will remain stuck here in my past.

"I'll miss you too my little Rose Red." He whispered then looked down at me. His eyes softened when he looked at my tears cascading down my cheeks like waterfall. "Wipe your tears angel. They are very precious and should not be wasted on a person like me." He said softly as he kissed my tears away.

"You don't know how important you are to me Derek. I can't imagine my life without you. I don't want my parents. I want to be with you. Mom will agree. I'll persuade her to let me be with you." I said as tears continued to flow down my cheeks. "Please Derek. Please. I swear I won't be a bother to you. Don't let me go Derek. Don't let me go." I whispered the last part as sobs wracked from my throat. I bury my face in his suit shirt as I fisted his court.

He tightened his hands around me and let me cry. I knew that he was paining as much as I was and my cries were deepening the wound but I couldn't help it. I don't want to leave him.

Once I quiet down, I looked up at him to see him looking at me with the same pain in his eyes. He didn't want to let me go as much as I didn't want to go. But I knew that we are just puppets in the hands of fate. And we cannot stop from what's happening even if we wanted to.

He leaned down to kiss me. Once our lips met I closed my eyes and savoured this moment. This was not the first time that we had kissed but the feel of this kiss was different because we knew that after this we might not see each other..... ever. We poured our emotions and love in this kiss. This kiss was painful and beautiful at the same time because this was a kiss of separation.

When we separated I hugged him as tightly as I could. After a moment he took out a lean velvet box from his coat pocket. I looked at it then up at him.

"What is this?" I asked him, confusion lacing my words.

"Just open it." He commanded in his deep husky voice that sent tingles all over my body. We didn't have sex yet. Mainly because I was underage but also because I wasn't ready.

I opened it and saw the most beautiful pendant I've ever seen. It was a heart shaped ruby pendant which was wrapped with marcasite in a beautiful filigree pattern. The pendant was hung in a silver chains which were intertwined with each other.

"It's beautiful." I said as I looked at the pendant in awe. "But it must have cost a fortune. You shouldn't have bought it Derek." I said in a reprimanding tone.

"I wanted to Rose Red. I wanted you to see how much you mean to me and that no matter what I'll come to you, even if it takes years to do that. So think of it as a promise pendant." He said. "Myra will you wait for me?" His eyes held so many emotions that any person could drown in them and have no complaints.

"I promise Derek. I will always wait for you even if it takes you years to find me." I promised him because I knew in my heart that it was true, I would wait for him even if it takes him a century to come to me. He smiled and kissed my forehead and laid his head on top of mine.

"I love you my little angel." I swallowed the lump in my throat as tears again threatened to spill out of my eyes.

"I love you too Shady. More than you can ever imagine." Saying that I pecked him one last time on his lips.

"Sir we are here." His driver John informed us.

Just like that our blissful moment was gone. Neither of us wanted to get up from the position we were currently in. But we knew that we were just prolonging the inevitable.

I opened the door and hopped off his lap. He got out as well and took my hand in his. Together we went to where my parents were standing. As we shared our goodbyes I looked at him longingly. He glanced at me before averting his eyes. His emotionless persona which I hated the most was back but I knew that beneath that hard- emotionless mask, he was hurting... just like me

We entered the airport and I looked back one last time to see his retreating back.

Soon we were in the airplane. I said goodbye to Ohio and closed my thinking about our last moments together. I will always cherish these last few moments and wait for him forever.

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